Who is to say that a bedbug is not responsible for transmitting the
virus? West Nile virus is transmitted by a mosquito. Personally I think
all cancers are caused by a virus. Michael J. Fox has Parkinsons disease
and he was doing a film somewhere and several of the cast and crew
members including a director came down with Parkinson's disease like he
did. Coincidence? Maybe they all got bit by bedbugs! There is much that
we don't know. You have to keep an open mind where science is concerned.
Much of the medical community is now turning back to old remedies that
were used 100 years ago to treat disease. Europe has been prescribing
herbs and successfully treating diseases with them far better that the US
pharmaceutical drugs are doing for people here. The companies that make
vaccines don't want you to know what the true causes of diseases are,
because then they would not make the billions of dollars that they make.
Who knows?Kendra

On Thu, 26 Dec 2002 19:30:23 -0800 Malcolm Stebbins <s...@asis.com> writes:
> "We" who?  The infective organism for smallpox has been shown to be a 
> virus, to which some people are particularly susceptible, and almost 
> all 
> people can catch it.  This knowledge has been derived from extensive 
> testing and observation over a number of decades by uncountable 
> independent 
> researchers and practising physicians.  Presenting information which 
> is 
> patently outdated and demonstrably  inadequate is worse than just 
> misleading, it could be murderously cruel.
> The question then, is not who is 'a little sensitive', but rather 
> who is 
> culpably insensitive.
> At 06:15 PM 12/26/02 -0500, you wrote:
> >   Aren't we a little sensitive,,,
> >
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "C Creel" <ccr...@eagle1st.com>
> >To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
> >Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 8:38 PM
> >Subject: Re: CS>small pox cure..
> >
> >
> >| <<http://www.reformation.org/smallpox_cure.html>>
> >|
> >|
> >| We in alt med have enough challenges as it is without websites
> >| promoting ridiculous nonsense like this.
> >|
> >| Catherine
> >|
> >|
> >| --
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