some years ago i was interested to try cs, and i found how to make a device on 
the internet (can't find the document now), which i made and used. it didn't 
help me much then, so i stopped using it.

recently i wanted to try using cs again, so i took out the device, and made 
some cs, took it, and it is apparently doing me some good now. so i researched 
making your own cs again, and there is much more on the web about this now, and 
i ended up with a lot of confusion and would like some help with the process.

the device i have links together 3 9v batteries in series to produce 27v, it is 
also in series with 2 tiny lamps. the instructions i had were to make a 
solution of saturated salt. for this i used distilled water and used kosher 
salt from diamond crystal which is considered to be just salt. i disolved the 
salt till it wouldn't disolve any more. i then put in 2 drops of this into 8oz 
of distilled water, atttached 2 silver wires of .999 pure silver 13 guage to 
the device, and immersed it into the water. the immersed depth i have is 3 

when i ran it it produced a white colored cloud, which would disperse into the 
water. i was told to run it for about 1 minute for each ppm. i would run it for 
about 5-6 minutes.

when i researched this some more, i found out that some consider this white 
cloud as sliver cloride which some consider dangerous, and some don't because 
it is not listed as harmful substance. and it is best to make cs in distilled 
water without and salt, and it should produce a yellowish colored liquid. 
another reason not to used the method i used was that silver particles are too 
large, and the yellow cs has much smaller particles. i tried various 
recomendations to get the yellow kind but couldn't acheive it. this is what i 
tried. i all cases i used distilled water.

1) i tired connecting the silver wires to a steady 30v dc power supply (from a 
electronic kit). i ran this almost for an hour and got only black stuff near 
and on the negative wire, but no yellow liquid.

2) i tired connecting the silver wires to the device i made. i ran this almost 
for an hour and got only black stuff near and on the negative wire, but no 
yellow liquid.

3) i tired connecting the silver wires to the device i made. and boiled the 
distilled water to make it hot, i ran this almost for an hour and got only 
black stuff near and on the negative wire, but no yellow liquid.

what can i do to get the yellow cs and not needing to use the salt. i would 
also appreciate any other comments about things i should know

i'm not looking for buying a device but to be able to make my own.

thanks for any help


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