I Found the following explanation on another list
somewhat helpful in establishing these differences;

     I think it would be helpful to define the terms
"voltage source" and "current source" should a
discussion of this nature arise again. A "voltage
source" has the following characteristics: - infinite
output current capability (an inifinite current will
flow through a short-circuit slammed across its
terminals) - zero internal impedance (the load
dictates the current drawn from the supply) - always
presents the same (design) voltage at its terminals
regardless of the load connected across it. Needless
to say this is an unattainable ideal but one that can
be mimicked by active circuitry up to some current
limit where its characteristics then deviate from the
ideal. For a practical voltage source, this limit is a
"compliance" limit - the supply complies with the
ideal up to this limit. A "current source" has these
characteristics: - infinite voltage capability (an
infinite voltage will appear across the terminals if
there is no load) - infinite internal impedance (the
load dictates what the terminal voltage will be) -
always forces the same current through a load
regardless of the load impedance. Also an unattainable
ideal. Witness the requirement to deliver and infinite
output voltage with no load. 
     Now as I had mentioned I was trying to make CS,
by the method of using currents derived by bipolar
resonances. This is a very expensive approach as at 60
hz, since it normally requires  two huge air core
inductors each set to resonance. I found that the AC
input  to a CS process of such a current to be
problematic at best, and it gave the delusion that a
voltage drop was incuring from start to finish. If we
had to classify the approach, we might say that it
"sort of resembles" a current source, because the
current doesnt change much but the voltage across the
CS  water cell does. Since the AC approach did not
fair well, I went back to the drawing board, and I
will take Ivan's advise to place resistors across the
resonant current source, and to compare equal
resistive equivalent loads of CS water cells, so that
a comparison can be made to determine the initial
starting resistance. 
     Today I tried the first experiments with instead
sending a pulsed 60 hz DC across the CS.  It is
"pulsed" because I did not employ a filter capacitor
on the DC output from the full wave rectification,
which again is sourced from a bipolar resonance, which
for this scenario resembles a "constant" current
souce.  It is not actually such a constant current
source at all, but for the CS as a load, it resembles
one. Unfortunately this first experiment with DC was a
disaster.  I took the last glass of water from a
gallon of Wall mart distilled water. Now I am
wondering about that dang water, as the results seemed
like I must have had a lot of contamination coming
from somewhere! Formerly when these things were first
started I had obtained some  homemade "John Ellis"
ozonated DW that must have been contaminated, and in
that circumstance the resistance of the sample was far
lower than what it should have been. That process uses
steam going over a ozone bulb, this is pictured at
     The bulb goes into the left smaller hemispherical
chamber, but if the larger reservoir developes a vapor
lock on the hose leading to its ordinary product which
he call "energized"  tap water, you will end up with
tap water becoming mixed with the distilled , because
then the entire water level rises so that you no
longer have just steam entering that designated tube,
and it is becoming mixed with ordinary tap water. A
back tarnish was then developing on the coins using
his water product.  After then going to Wall Mart's
distilled water, the black tarnish never appeared
again, the resistance was much higher, and only a gray
tint developed on the coins.
     Now today I tried a 4 diode set up, (full wave
rectifier)  between the CS and the resonant current
source. If found that the lowest voltage I could
obtain was near the 30 volt level.  I then turned up
the voltage source to give about 90 volts pulsed DC
appearing across the coins, giving an AC conduction of
3.8 ma entering the diode system. About 25 minutes
later I came back to find that the voltage had dropped
back down to the 30 volt level, with almost 4 ma
entering the diode system. Huh I thought, thats pretty
remarkable. But then I was horrified to see what was
in the water, shown here;

First Try of CS made from pulsed DC from BRS high
induction coil system 
     Long black strands of silver oxide? were forming
on the coin where that polarity allows.  I wouldnt let
my dog drink that stuff!
     Next I will try a cap filter, so that the source
appears more like a battery would, and a special
option also exists here where we can select a capacity
that would be resonant to 120 pulses /sec, when the
inductance of the coils is also considered part of the
     To end here I thought I might show some info 
showing how this bipolar resonance is set up, using a
case example of 480 hz driven by a converted AC
     The circuit I use is basically simple, but in
applications at 60 hz would be very costly. Let me
give an example using hardware store 14 gauge coils as
shown at the schematic

     It is basically just two inversely phased series
resonances, with their oppositely made voltage rises
used as the source of high voltage. The endings of
these voltage rises (in the middle of each left and
right side resonance)are shown in the circuit as this
midpoint path, that (can) exhibit voltage rise.
(Schematic is basically the same schematic used for a
DC full wave rectification, only the forward and
reverse based diodes are instead replaced by inductors
and capacitors set to be in resonance at the input
frequency.) The particular application shown in this
jpeg was for an alternator input at 480 hz. Frequency
is everything with these circuits, and at the 60 hz
wall voltage the components become ungodly in their
costs. The two high induction coils I use for the 60
hz application are very expensive coils of some 60
henry, about 80 lb coils of 20,000 winds of 23 gauge
wire. The amount of current obtained between the coil
systems is considered the "current limited amount" of
amperage available from the system upon short of the
midpoint path.
      Let me show the difference between open and
closed configuations for the alternator resonances at
480 hz, using ten of these 14 gauge coils for each
side made as inversely phased dual series resonances.
At open circuit the outside components act to deliver
a bipolar resonant rise of voltage;
shows a 14.4 volt stator creating 703 volts with a ~
1.5 A draw at 480 hz, by using inversely phased series
resonances as the source of resonant voltage rise. Now
we can short that voltage rise to see the difference.
Then it becomes a figure 8 tank circuit with resonant
rise of amperage vs that being inputed;
shows a 15.35 volt stator only inputing some 1.83 ma,
but becoming some 34 ma across the midpoint path. That
pathway contains ~ double the ~ 16 and 17 ma found on
the sides of the circuit. Similar to the DC full wave
rectifier, we find double the current through the
midpoint (rectified) pathway then we would find on the
individial diodes themselves. So here we can say the a
15.35 volt stator can enable a current limited supply
of 34 ma across the midpoint pathway, but it is also a
voltage source that will rise in accordance to what
load is placed across it, and it will rise as far as
some 700 volts if the load itself became infinite
resistance at this voltage input of application by the
alternator. Thus the whole assembly can act as a sort
of resonant transformer. The advantage of this concept
is that we can produce voltage rise without a
transformer, as with the rise of frequency
applications, ferromagnetic transformers start
becoming inneffective at higher frequencies, thus we
still have a mechanism for transforming voltages
upwards by instead using a bipolar voltage rise
created by resonance, instead of the more familiar
concept of creating a voltage rise by the turns ratio
of a ferromagnetic transformer.
Basic principles here are; 
1) First we need to find the capacity needed to
resonate. Use Thompson resonance formula R(f)= 1/[2
pi* sq rt (LC)]   Reactance formulas are also useful,
and can be used to find the same info. At resonance
the reactances are made equal, and put in series for
series resonance. If we run a short between the
voltage rises of a bipolar series resonance; the
circuit then becomes current limited to twice the
amount of conduction that would occur as if the
circuit was instead a parallel resonance consisting of
the two side coil sets in series, or what is termed a
tank circuit. Shorting the voltage rises actually
makes a figure 8 tank resonance. For use of these 10
mh coils at 60 hz , one would also need an ungodly
amount of capacitance, and if the connections
accidentally came open at the midpoint, one would have
an ungodly amount of amperage developing. The CS water
cell of course in my CS trials goes as a load in
between these resonant voltage rises, but I use 60
henry coils of 1000 ohm resistance, set to 60 hz wall
frequency resonance. These 10 mh coils at 60 hz would
be fairly useless anyways, since the voltage rise
would be very small, so let me use my example using 60
henry coils. The coils have a reactive amperage
consumption of ~5 ma when run by the wall voltage. We
then find the capacity needed to resonate;
Inductive reactance X(L) = 2 pi * f * L 
Capacitive reactance X(C) = 1 /(2 pi* f * C) 
X(L) = X(C) at resonance 
     After we find that capacity for resonance to be
about about .12 uf, and it will pull the same 5 ma.
This consists of a test for the resonance, to measure
each reactive branch separately to see if they pull
equal amperages from the source AC. We put them in
series to find how much farther the reactive current
measurement has gone up. For these coils each side
goes up about 15 times times the intitial 5 ma. This
means the voltage has gone up 15 times to accomplish
15 times more amperage conduction. This is made on
each side as oppositely made voltage rises, so the
total (bipolar) voltage rise between the coils becomes
30 times what is inputed. If we short out this voltage
rise, we find the original amount of reactive current,
but at a much reduced input amperage, making it a
figure 8 tank circuit, that is current limited across
the midpoint short to some 5 ma, given a 120 volt AC
wall voltage input. 
Sincerely HDN

Tesla Research Group; Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances 

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