The correlation between drinking milk containing the A1 protein, heart
disease, and type 1 diabetes seems very strong. Perhaps now the
tenuous link between cholesterol, saturated fat, and heart disease can
be severed. If saturated fat loses its unhealthy status hopefully the
public will abandon unsaturated fat, or at least get a measure of
protection from its oxidation in vivo, and the general health will

I know the linked article comes from a vested interest, but it is
possibly the most concise précis of past and current studies.



...Statistical studies on 16 countries including the U.K.,
France, West Germany, Iceland, New Zealand, USA,
Canada, Finland and Ireland support Dr McLachlan’s
work - the rate of coronary heart disease is highest in
countries where A1 milk consumption is highest(9).
Finland, as mentioned above, has the highest
consumption of A1 protein in the world, the highest
incidence of childhood diabetes, and, the highest rate of
coronary heart disease in the world.
West Germany:
West Germany has among the most detailed
knowledge of the diet and health patterns of its population.
It has regional records of the breed of dairy herds dating
more than 50 years. The incidence of A1 cows in
herds varies from province to province - as does
incidence of coronary heart disease. Schleswig-
Holstein in the north, for example, has approximately twice
the heart disease rate of Bavaria in the south. A1 levels
in milk consumed in the north of Germany are also
approximately twice as high as in Bavaria in the south.
Dr McLachlan’s studies show a strong correlation
between the regional rate of death from heart disease
and the regional variation in the amount of A1 in milk.
This same regional variation has been found in diabetes
in young children. There is almost no variation in
smoking or other risk factors for heart disease such
as saturated fats...

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