Dear Vickie,
                          Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), has in
many cases, been used as a "catch-all" diagnosis by physicians unable to
truly discern a proper cause for a specific gastric affliction.
Considerable sums of money have been generated by opportunistic drug
manufacturers/entrepreneuers through capitalizing upon the unknowing and
ill-informed general public.   These predators enjoy a similar
"privileged position" as do Dermatologists whose patients...."Almost
never die, rarely completely recover-----but ALWAYS return for continued
                        We have enjoyed some measureable successes in
our limited investigations of  conditions identified as Acid Reflux
insults.  Among the more effective protocols investigated (experimental
volunteer research) we found colloidal silver to be quite
useful----especially in cases complicated by heliobacter pylori;  plus a
simple protocol outlined by Dr. Walt Stoll.....based upon utilizing the
juice of fresh ginger root juice (about 2 lbs. obtained from the
grocery/market and run through a juice-extractor).  The juice is stored
in the refrigerator and is taken at 1 teaspoon volume
(daily).....preferably on an empty stomach.  If the immediate effect
manifested as overly severe.......the volunteers were able to ameliorate
the circumstance by drinking a small quantity of water.
In a majority of cases presenting with Acid Reflux syndrome, quite
acceptable resolution occurred within 7 to 14 days.   Additionally,
among those cases experiencing recurrences, most were successfully
resolved through the addition of Betaine Hydrochloride (a precursor to
HCL) to the diet.  This supporting protocol would appear as being
synonomous to "throwing-gasoline-on-a-fire". In actuality,
determinations were made that these original incidences (in a majority
of cases) of  GERD were the result of putrified foodstuffs......NOT
                    For short-term, acid-fraction, relief we have found
simple bicarbonate of soda (common baking soda) to be as efficacious as
any ----and better than most---of the readily available over-the-counter
nostrums being sold.
                    I hope these comments are of some value to
interested list members.
This information is common knowledge among many of the membership.
                                Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley. wrote:

> Hi, I was diagnosed with Acid Reflux and my doctor put me on Nexium
> which has to many side effects. I also have Sinus problems, always. I
> was wondering if CS would help me with any of these problems. I really
> just heard about this when I looked up Acid Reflux on the Internet.
> Thank you
> Vickie Young