Using the silver gen SG 6 this week, I made 10 one-liter jars.   Seven
came out crystal clear (though with a few regrettable fuzzies on some
batches -- I need an ultrasonic cleaner for the silver ano/cathos.  
Three jars in succession came out as yellowish as light apple cider.  I
have not checked for TE or used my PWT yet, but I have seen similar
results in the past with my old Robey.   I think there is some lunar
influence, as others have mentioned.  All the batches were made within a
few days of the full moon, with the yellow ones appearing at about the
time of the full moon.   

Based on my reading from this site,  I would suggest that those folks
who use LVDC and want a brew with a higher particulate content simply
brew around the time of the full moon.   Others may wish to confirm this
result or refute it if their experiences prove that some other cause
must be at work.   


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