For those who were interested in my Treatments with Metronidazole for my 
rheumatoid arhtritis, I have finished my last week [about a week ago].
Unfortunately I cannot report any positive results.  After six week on this 
drug I'm left pretty much the same as i was before I started.  I noticed no 
decrease or increase in my  pain level whatsoever.  This treatment actually 
produced the least positive results as anything I've tried.
The only noted side-effect I noticed was a little nausea the morning after 
taking it.

On another note........I've been taking CS again in high doses and I'm once 
again experiencing die off of whatever is in my joints [and blood].
Does anyone know if Candida can live in your bloodstream?........some people 
say no....and others say yes.

Today I finished my home made Colonic I got my first colonics 
today using water/H202.  I've never even had an enema before so this was 
somewhat of an experience for me.  I'm not sure how bad of shape my colon 
was/is because I don't have anything to compare myself with......*LOL*
One thing I can say is that something about my Colonic that I got today has set 
my joint on FIRE big time tonight!!!!  This is a promising reaction [at least I 
think it is]................I'm planning to do this daily along with my 
silver......any other comments or recommendations are welcome.........Robb