Dear James,
                        I believe that" para-mix-o-vira-day" will get you close.

                                                Best redgards,   Brooks.

James-Osborn: Holmes-Junior wrote:

> Hi C,
> Do you have any commentary on the potential for nebulized CS, or CS/MSM or
> CS/DMSO to neutralized this viron?
> Do you know the phonetic pronunciation?
> Thanks,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: C Creel []
> Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 1:37 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>[IP] SARS resources and comments
> Archive Number 20030318.0679
> Published Date 18-MAR-2003
> Subject PRO/EDR> Severe acute respiratory syndrome - worldwide (08)
> Killer virus identified
> **************************************************
> A ProMED-mail post
> <>
> ProMED-mail is a program of the
> International Society for Infectious Diseases <>
> Date: 18 Mar 2003
> From: "Henry L Niman, PhD" <>
> Source: Hong Kong Standard 19 Mar 2003 02:16 AM [edited]
> <>
> Killer virus identified
> -----------------------
> A team from the Prince of Wales Hospital and Chinese University of Hong Kong
> have identified the virus that has caused the recent outbreak of severe
> acute respiratory syndrome worldwide, confirming that the current anti-viral
> treatment applied to patients has been the right choice. Identifying the
> virus as a member of the Paramyxoviridae family, Professor John Tam of the
> department of microbiology of the Chinese University said it was detected by
> electron microscopy. The finding, announced late last night, was further
> confirmed by a molecular technique that revealed the nucleic acid sequence
> of the virus.
> Asked if the virus was curable, Tam reiterated that the finding last night
> had indicated that the current treatment applied to patients suffering from
> the syndrome, more commonly known as atypical pneumonia, had been the right
> choice. But he added that they still needed to monitor individual patients'
> reactions before they could conclude that the virus was curable.
> Lo Wing-lok, Medical Association president and legislator, said the
> Paramyxoviridae family incorporated different viruses that could affect
> humans and, as such, further studies were needed to establish whether it was
> a new virus. Earlier it was revealed that at least 6 patients were
> responsible for spreading the pneumonia in Hong Kong. Health chief Yeoh
> Eng-kiong also said that a mainland professor who died in [Hong Kong] SAR on
> 4 Mar 2003 was a victim of the atypical pneumonia.
> The new information from officials indicated the disease had been more
> widespread in the SAR than originally believed. Yeoh said the pneumonia and
> suspected cases had now been isolated into 6 "clusters". Yeoh again stressed
> the government was not hiding anything. He insisted there was no sign of an
> outbreak at the community level.
> [byline: Matthew Lee and Georgina Lee]
> --
> Henry L Niman, PhD
> Department of Bioengineering
> Shriners' Burn Center
> 51 Blossom Street, Room 422
> Boston, MA 02114 USA
> <>
> [This is the second identification of a paramyovirus-like organism from a
> patient with SARS (see ProMED-mail posting Severe acute respiratory syndrome
> - worldwide (06) 20030318.0677). The first identification was made by
> investigators in Frankfurt am Main and Hamburg from specimens taken from a
> physician from Singapore who had treated some of the earlier cases seen in
> Singapore and was admitted to hospital in Frankfurt, Germany en route back
> to Singapore over the weekend. As mentioned in our earlier posting, it is
> important to confirm these findings and to identify a similar agent from
> other cases of SARS before it can be concluded that this agent is the cause
> of SARS. That being said, this second identification of a paramxovirus-like
> organism from patients with SARS offers hope that the etiology of this
> outbreak may be identified soon. - Mod.MPP]
> [see also:
> Severe acute respiratory syndrome - worldwide (07)         20030318.0678
> Severe acute respiratory syndrome - worldwide (06)         20030318.0677
> Severe acute respiratory syndrome - Worldwide (05)         20030317.0669
> Severe acute respiratory syndrome - Worldwide (04):comment 20030317.0664
> Severe acute respiratory syndrome - Worldwide: alert (03)  20030316.0660
> Severe acute respiratory syndrome - Worldwide (02):alert   20030315.0649
> Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome - Worldwide              20030315.0637
> Acute respiratory syndrome - Canada (Ontario)              20030314.0631
> Acute respiratory syndrome - East Asia                     20030314.0630
> Acute respiratory syndrome - China (HK), VietNam (03)      20030313.0624
> Acute respiratory syndrome - China (HK), VietNam (02)      20030313.0623
> Acute respiratory syndrome - China (HK), VietNam           20030312.0602
> Undiagnosed illness - Vietnam (Hanoi): RFI                 20030311.0595
> Influenza, H5N1 human case - China (Hong Kong) (05)        20030228.0500
> Pneumonia - China (Guangdong) (07)                         20030221.0452
> Pneumonia - China (Guangdong) (06)                         20030220.0447
> Pneumonia - China (Guangdong) (05)                         20030220.0446
> Pneumonia - China (Guangdong) (04)                         20030219.0427
> Pneumonia - China (Guangdong) (03)                         20030214.0390
> Pneumonia - China (Guangdong) (02)                         20030211.0369
> Pneumonia - China (Guangdong): RFI                         20030210.0357]
> ........................mpp/sh
> --
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