Hi Robb, 

I'll look around for the herbs...aside from tumeric....
and the other info and get back to you....others 
may also have suggestions.   Runnin' out the 
door.....      Kit 

At 10:06 PM 4/5/03 -0500, you wrote:
>I think this is all good advice......I have something bloodborn
>though.........whether it is yeast or not?..I don't know for sure.......I'm
>taking antifungal herbs and Lugol's solution.........and also
>Magnesium......could you list anti inflammatory herbs??..........I'm all
>ears for those ......I'd love to get off of the motrin.......thats the only
>bad thing I'm still on.......I have a gallon of coconut oil from the
>philippines.....how much do I take?.......also.......could you talk more
>about the deep breathing exercises?.....I find to much conflicting stuff on
>the web about it.......thanks..........Robb

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