I wouldn't recommend old carpet for gardening.  
Carpet tends to collect things in it over the years like lead, pesticides, 
whatever was on one's feet.  

Old carpet is often high in toxic waste...

CS>OT garden mulching
From: llarabie (view other messages by this author) 
Date: Sun, 6 Apr 2003 05:49:01 

If you had been lucky to get the nylon type backing those last and last
because they don't fall apart.  Check next time when they are re-doing
commercial places as they are the ones that use them more.

There is also other mulching you can use check
www.raw-connections.com/garden (Gift from my son to help me make this
informative site :o)))))
Nice for beginners and kid site, for general instructions on making an easy
garden,  Check the hay bale garden for the easiest raised bed garden.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ode Coyote [mailto:coyote...@earthlink.net]

Sent: April 6, 2003 7:56 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Making CS

   A bit off topic here, but the easiest and best garden I ever planted was
done by simply rolling out some old used jute backed carpet [stolen from
curb side pickup and carpet store dumpsters]  on top of the grass in the
yard, cutting some holes in it and transplanting containerized plants in it.
  No weeds, no tilling, no water run off, [water runs right throught the
carpet carrying any fertilizer laid on top with it], bugs and snails don't
like the carpet, no rust from soil borne viruses and fruits don't lie on
the ground.
  The grass dies from lack of light and fertilizes the garden. The decaying
grass roots soften the soil.

  One drawback.
  After about 4 years the carpet disintigrates and can be a bit hard to
roll up and dispose of. [It would have been ..had been...disposed of anyway]