Lona, I've seen those advertisements too...

Cumin may increase glutathione by 700% from what level? Note in the study 
that follows, GST was increased an AVERAGE of 78%; it is the form of 
glutathione increased by several foods including cumin, however GSH and 
GPx are arguably more important glutathione forms as they are used in 
much greater quantities in the body.

The limiting factor to glutathione production is cystine and cysteine-
containing molecules, and also selenium in the case of GPx. Without the 
precursors present the cells can not make glutathione so these precursors 
will remain the limiting factor for four forms of glutathione.

Not addressing precursor availability would be similar in a way, to 
increasing liver function potential with bitter herbs or drugs while 
ignoring  hepatic stones that block the bile flow and necessitate the 
recirculation of toxic waste produced.

I found only three peer-reviewed studies in a search on cumin AND 
glutathione. Here's the most applicable:
Plant products as protective agents against cancer.

Aruna K, Sivaramakrishnan VM.

Isotope Division, Cancer Institute, Madras, India.

Out of various spices and leafy vegetables screened for their influence 
on the carcinogen-detoxifying enzyme, glutathione-S-transferase (GST) in 
Swiss mice, cumin seeds, poppy seeds, asafoetida, turmeric, kandathipili, 
neem flowers, manathakkali leaves, drumstick leaves, basil leaves and 
ponnakanni leaves increased GST activity by more than 78% in the stomach, 
liver and oesophagus, - high enough to be considered as protective agents 
against carcinogenesis. Glutathione levels were also significantly 
elevated in the three tissues by these plant products. All of them except 
neem flowers, significantly suppressed (in vivo) the chromosome 
aberrations (CA) caused by benzo(a)pyrene in mouse bone marrow cells. 
Multiple CA and exchanges reflecting the severity of damage within a cell 
were significantly suppressed by these nine plant products. The results 
suggest that these nine plant products are likely to suppress 
carcinogenesis and can act as protective agents against cancer.

PMID: 2283166 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 

Duncan Crow

> I have read the Cumin increases your levels by 700%.
> Lona

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