Thank you. I have forwarded your story and instruction to my daughter.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Bill Missett 
  Sent: Friday, April 11, 2003 4:58 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>CS and ear infection

  Yes, I am familiar with the ear conditions you describe.  Both my sons had 
the same operation, and I would not hesitate to give them CS had I known about 
it then (30 years ago).  I had the same type of ear problems when I was a kid, 
with constant ear aches, so I'm sensitive to that kind of infection.

  The reason the doctors say not to get water in the ears is because most water 
carries some bacteria, hence infection potential.  However, it takes only about 
2-4 years for the ear drums to heal and push the tubes out, so they should be 
long gone.

  I have recent experience with an adult friend who had ear infections which 
were not responding to five days of antibiotics.  He was hesitant to use CS 
too, but he overcame his caution because of his lack of sleep from the ear 
aches, and tried it in one ear one night -- and the infection in that ear was 
gone the next morning.  He then tried it in the other ear, with the same result.

  Since CS kills all bacteria, there should be no problem administering CS for 
your daughter's ear aches, even if the tubes were in place.  Put 2-3 drops in 
the ears at bedtime, and she should be better in the morning.

  Hope this helps ...
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: JohnWallis 
    Sent: Friday, April 11, 2003 4:45 PM
    Subject: CS>CS and ear infection

    I could use some input on this subject.

    My Granddaughter was born with a ear problem and had to have "tubes" 
inserted in the ear canal. The medical people have said, 1. "they will have to 
be removed when she is older."  2. "They (the tubes) do not need to be taken 
out. Tissue will grow around them."

    However, they do tell us that my Granddaughter should not allow water to 
enter the ear.

    Now here is the problem. The Granddaughter is twelve. She is constantly 
getting ear infections. The medicos always prescribe an antibiotic, and 
prescribe two drops per ear three times daily. But they won't prescribe a 
prescription unless they see her. The family has no health insurance, thanks to 
the economy, and cannot afford a $100.00 office visit to get a prescription for 
a antibiotic. I keep telling her to put two drops of the CS I made for her, but 
she is hesitant.

    Has anyone had any experience with this sort of problem? Does anyone know 
if two drops of CS will cause any problem with her ears?

    I'd appreciate a quick response, please.
    Thanks, John.