pj wrote...

> I will speak my mind frankly on this subject.  A parent should, in my 
> opinion, move heaven and earth and possibly bankrupt themselves, to deal 
> with an acne problem being faced by anyone, particularly a young one.  The 
> emotional damage is too great for this to drag on for any length of time if 
> it can be avoided.  

Speaking as someone who always had acne growing up (and still does 
occasionally at 31), I have to say that if you've raised a child who is going 
to be so horribly screwed up emotionally from being teased because of having 
zits, then maybe you need to rethink the messages you gave the child as they 
were growing.  Sure, it can be a little embarrassing at times, but a kid with 
high self-esteem and confidence didnt get that way by being zitless...  they 
got that way by having parents who instilled some self-worth and a few 
messages about how others opinions should be tempered enough that they dont 
cause emotional scarring.  I'm not saying the problem may not need specific 
attention -- if nothing else, for the sake of good health -- I'm just saying 
that we live in a society where too many children are raised by their peers, 
rather than by their parents.  And children raised by other children who 
tease and poke fun, are bound to have some challenges to their esteem and 

*climbing down off my soap box*

