I use a glass measuring cup dedicated to CS making. I rinse it with 
distilled water. I use a plastic drinking-water bottle to store the finished CS 
in, also rinsed with DW. 
  I make the CS with room temp. DW.
  My dos centavos worth...

  i recently read that you shouldn't cook with hot water. to use cold water 
because more lead and copper and some other minerals come out of the faucet in 
a higher content. so do you think i should still clean my colloidal silver jar 
with hot water or cold. 

  or should i use cold water and then boil it in a pot. but the pot is also 
made from metals and minerals and other stuff.

  or should i just microwave the container with cold water. but my container is 
glass will it crack. and will microwaves do something bad to my container or me.

  does boiling water even do anything. the stuff that was in the water is still 
in the water and didn't do anything but get hot when i boiled it right?

  or am i thinking to far into all of this. 

  what do you you think i should do.

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