At 11:00 PM 4/19/03 -0400, you wrote:

Dear Christiane,

   ** Honestly, I think it is okay for a child or person to be frightened.
We have a habit, in the American culture, of trying to remove all
unpleasantness.  We're so committed to doing this that we will give a
dangerous drug like Versed to accomplish it.

   **  You won't find a supplement that will go to the extremes of Versed
magnesium works well to relax.  It also relaxes muscles.  If I wanted to use
a pharmaceutical I'd go with a much milder one.

Before there was Versed, I had been given tranquilizers (thorazine if I remember correctly) and found the whole pre-op procedure mildly interesting until - - - - - - - - - - - - - and then I woke up feeling ucky, as was to be expected. Ordinarily I'd be climbing the walls, at least inside my head, at all the tubings, and I.V.s and arm tapings and, and, and. By good fortune I refused Versed when it was described to me as a sort of improved trank that would leave me awake, but I'd have no memory of the time.

 You said:

<<On a little side note, I had a funny dream last night.  I was running into
the bank, and saw an old van with a logo and phone number on it for
"Catherine Creel, and Malcolm Stebbins....treat from the street".  I was
stunned and searched for you...........ultimately finding you sitting
together over a cup of coffee and donuts at Dunkin Donuts.  So very odd how
the brain works..........and yes......very broken sleep last night with my
ill daughter.......amazing the dreams that come out of sleep deprivation.>>

  **  That's a pretty amusing dream.  Malcolm, did you take notes?  I forgot
what we talked about.  Darn!  We probably solved all the previously unsolved
mysteries ;-)

Well yes we did and it was really neat, but I seem to have forgotten all the details, or where I might have left my notes. Must be the Sleep deprivation, or something, from that coffee!


Any suggestions for feeling well rested on little sleep????  ~:-}

The best way, I was told, is to keep on getting less and less until you begin to habituate (or was that hallucinate?) You should already be close to your bed so when you fall over you might land in it and continue dreaming without jarring interruptions. The person who told me this also used to hit himself over the head with a hammer; not to go to sleep, he said, but because it felt so good when he stopped.<g>

More seriously, I read recently that it actually works better (i.e., better performance on tasks) to stay up for two or three days straight than to get insufficient sleep each of the nights.

Take care, and get enough sleep!! Malcolm

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