  Just a slight warning--if you are allergic to iodine you could make things 
worse by taking supplements. Iodine allergy is somewhat rare, though, just 
something to note, if your acne becomes worse or you get itchy after you start 
taking it, that would be the clue. 
  Since I am one of the unfortunate folks with severe iodine allergy, I am 
extremely uncomfortable with all the posted recommendations regarding 
supplemental iodine and Lugol's Iodine, etc that appear here with never a 
single warning.  
  Many people never know until they go for those medical imaging tests that 
require injected iodine that they are allergic, and a percentage of them die, 
if they are in a facility that doesn't keep a crash cart in the imaging room.

From: jay ice 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2003 10:55 PM
  Subject: CS>Shirley from Jay

   I will get some potassium iodide pills if that OK with my Diet Instructor. 
Maybe every one should look into it. If there's a Nuke dropped take two pills 
and your almost garenteed no thyroid cancer but not invincable to getting blown 
  Shirley Reed <pj20...@yahoo.com> wrote:
       The idea that the thyroid 'only' regulates metabolism seems to be an 
outdated notion.  Might want to read on the www.altcancer.com site under their 
Lugol's iodine page.   Jay Ice, I hope you are getting better by the minute!!   