Hops may indeed be a good addition to beer. This is what Mark Konlee at
Keep Hope Alive write (http://www.keephope.net/v1998.html): "About a
year ago, I wrote an article that DRINKING BEER STOPS AIDS PROGRESSION
that raised a few eyebrows. Recently, a medical assistant who has access
to the medical records of several hundred AIDS patients in Wisconsin
asked me why persons on drug cocktails who were heavy alcoholic drinkers
had higher T cell counts than non-drinkers. I told him that beta 1, 3
glucan was in beer, but I didn’t think beta glucan was the whole story
and that the herb “Hops” used to flavor beer may have anti-viral and/or
immunological benefits. Also, alcohol itself will dissolve the outer
envelope of lipid envelope viruses like HIV and HHV-6 and in moderation
will increase ATP production that helps with antigen presentation.
However, too much alcohol will deplete B vitamin and mineral reserves
and that is immuno-suppressive. Beer is preferred over both wine and
hard liquor as it is a rich source of B vitamins and is a source of
minerals and other nutrients. A long term patient with CFIDS reported
she had some health problems while she was a heavy beer drinker fro
several years but added that her health really deteriorated after she
stopped drinking beer."


ascottsil...@aol.com wrote:
> Hi Kathie,
> A glass of good home-brew made with real malted barley, hops and yeast
> can indeed be just like eating a loaf of good bread - only better.
> Warning - This won't work with any domestic beer or most imported
> beers.
> Best wishes,
> Andy (^_^)

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