Ole Bob, Everybody,
Your suggestion about the ulrasonic humidifier is a gem.  Thanks.  But
this makes me think the response to your message may not be great, since
this device may entail the use of big amounts of CS.  Is this the case?
If so I would like to revisit the HVAC generator designed by Terry
Chamberlain.  I find this to be an attractive option because it's
possible to produce as many as 40 liters of high quality, 10ppm CS
within a couple of hours.  There are two links below, showing a fail
safe glass cabinet to contain the generator.  I built this cabinet to
make the generator safe, to allay any possibility of a severe electric

The first link shows the cabinet with the electrical unit, converting
220DC to 110AC.  Under this is a four liter jar, containing the silver
coin electrodes.  With a well built converter it's possible to add
another nine such jars, bringing total capacity to 40 liters.  Just to
the left of the jar, notice the plug for the electrical unit.  On the
door, opposite, is the corresponding recepticle.  So whenever one opens
the door the circuit is tripped and one need never fear a shock.  The
second link shows an inset picture of the plug and recepticle, at upper
left and lower right.

Ole Bob, might I be correct that the ultrasonic humidifier may require
big amounts of CS?  If this is the case this HVAC system may prove to be
a simple approach to big volume.  I'd also like to ask a mundane
question.  How does an ultrasonic humidifier differ from a more
conventional one?  To begin with I'm doubtful I could find a
conventional humidifier in my little corner of South Asia, but if I
could it would be helpful if I could explain to the sales people what an
ultrasonic humidifer is.  Is it something we could build?
Thanks again,


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