 Venerable Master Chin Kung's Talk on SARS
 " Someone asked me; what is SARS about? Well. it 
 is a result of unkind thoughts. Greed anger delusion and arrogance caused the 
particles in 
 the air to become turbid arid virulent,
 givng rise to virus. All laws are created from the 
 mind and virus is also created from the mind.
 The best precaution therefore starts from the mind. 
 When the mind harbors greed, anger and
 delusion; these thoughts are the deadliest virus. They turn the entire 
external physical environment into poison. If the three negative 
 feelings are absent from within, how can virus
 survive on the outside? Compassion can neutralize and 
 detox~~ poison. Hence the mind must
 be pure and compassionate. Buddhists who are pure and 
 compassionate will not be infected. If
 you got infected it is because your practice is not 
 yet effective. When the practice is effective, you will not get ill, grow old 
or die.
 Talk given in 
 Singapore on March 29 2002

   There are some regions that are experiencing an 
 epidemic of SARS (Severe Acute
 Respiratory Syndrome); the Chinese called this is a 
 plaque. Where does plaque come from?
 All laws are created from the mind. From the mind 
 things are created, from consciousness
 things are changed. This is the overall principle. 
 What frame of mind will give rise to this
 plaque ? A mind that is not kind and actions that are 
 not kind. Unkind intentions will yield
 unkind actions. The situation is the manifestation of 
 unkind retributions. If we can repent and
 become kind? Cultivate pure actions, all unkind 
 retributions will disappear naturally.
 People are aware that they must sever evilness 
 and cultivate goodness. However, they  can not cut themselves off from vices 
entirely and the 
 goodness that they cultivate is limited.
 Hence, since thousands of years ago until now , there 
 has not been a year without plagues.
 Every year plaques will appear. Plaques and infections 
 occur most frequently at the time before
 and after the Tomb Sweeping Day (April). This time 
 there is no exception. The plaque will
 last about one month. Very seldom it will last for two 
 months. Many students ask me how to
 take precaution? The best precaution is to cultivate 
 purity and compassion. Purity and
 compassion can neutralize all disasters. They can turn 
 the molecular arrangements of our
 environment into beautiful crystal formations and 
 disaster will disappear as a result 
 We saw a report that when two bottles of water, 
 one labeled "love and thanks" and the
 other labeled "hatred and disgusted" were placed in a 
 laboratory for a few hours, they yielded
 very different forms of crystal arrangements as shown 
 by the photographs taken under a
 microscope. How did the change occur? Different 
 thinking caused the changes. Love and
 and thanks are good and positive thoughts of human. 
 Anger and hatred are negative thoughts. Actually
 symbols that contain the thoughts of human. 
 Without thoughts the symbols are
 empty and they will not be able to give rise to 
 changes. WHen characters were created, the
 creators have given the characters meanings. Hence 
 when the characters are used, the symbols
 are in consonant with our thinking and this thinking 
 is then transmitted to the water and the
 water naturally changes accordingly. "
 Talk given in 
 Australia on April 6,  

        Water is liquified Light
          Let there be Light !

With regards
