Ole Bob,

Thank you for the response. The studies you mention are fascinating, although 
a little hard for me to understand. I grew up in an era that taught "if a 
little is good, a lot is better." Do you have any theories on why a diluted 
solution of CS would be more effective than a more concentrated one? The 
whole idea of this leaves me baffled.

PS - Keep up the good work creating, duplicating and documenting different 
protocols for the manufacture of CS. I think we all appreciate your work. I 
know that I do.

Best Regards,

From: Robert Berger 

The question is, why do you want to concentrate the CS???
Several months ago Hawheye, Jensen co. published an invitro study where
they used 20 ppm, diluted to 10 ppm, diluted to 3 ppm, and diluted to 1
ppm.. They had two bacteria and two viri in the study. The results were

They only published the results of the 3, 10, and 20 ppm as that is what
they sold. The 3 ppm was several orders of magnitude more effective than
either the 10 or 20, and the 10 was more effective than the 20.

Stephen Quintro of natural-immunogenics raised the question as to why
they didn't publish the data for the 1 ppm, as his studies showed that 1
ppm was the most effective.

To back that up recently I did some development for a European company,
and they shared this information with me.
One of their customers has a 1,60,000 sq. ft. greenhouse that was used
to raise cucumbers. It developed a mosaic and the government said plow
it up and replant with another crop. My contact gave them 15 ppm CS and
said to dilute 1 to 1000, which made 20 to 40 ppb. That's right parts
per billion!!! In four weeks time the greenhouse was clean and the owner
said that the cucumbers were the largest he had ever raised.

We Americans has the strange idea that more is better. It would be worth
your while to look into homeopathy, where medicines are diluted as much
as 10,000 to 1 or more.

As for making various protocols of CS I just received my 16th box of
Hach chemicals for my spect.. and each box will make 50 tests. About 350
test have been for others. the balance, 400, have been for my own
investigations. Every new protocol someone comes up with I try and log
the data. Not all of it gets plotted

"Ole Bob"