--- william meyer <wme...@clarityconnect.com> wrote:
> hi all
> why can't we get other metals and make ionic water
> with our silver machines?
> -- 
> best
> william meyer
Gold is also made for a health solution, some say it's
a spiritual side. We really need the chemistry experts
here to say what metals dissolve as colloids.
Supposedly certain grades of stainless steel as used
for electrolysis plates do not corrode, thus we do not
expect colloids. A possibility of a magnetic nickel
colloid intrigues me, which made from Canadian coins
might impregnate a dielectric solution of water so
that both electric and magnetic fields could interact
on the sample.
    In fact, an experimental effort was made with
regard to using silver electrodes to arc to a water
surface, to deduce the no. of strikes to the water
surface per 60 hz cycle, by scope monitoring of coils
on surface SrFe magnets, brought close to the high
voltage AC source used to cause AC arcing to water. Of
particular reference here is that I also use
"vibrating magnets", as a three in SrFe layer wafers
underneath the 10,000 volt AC resonant voltage
process. The vibration from those magnets is contained
by 36 windings, shunted to a common line where the
current then goes through a series neon/ high BPS arc
gap system to the end connection of a large aluminum
foil connection, where my patient  with back boils
then leans against: thereby adding the polar capacity
of his body to the circuit,which brightens the neon
discharge considerably. This same coil system
providing high voltage rise by bipolar series resonant
voltage rise of 1000 ohm coils of 23 gauge wire: 60
henries indivually tuned for mutual induction at 60 hz
resonance; yeilding a 24 fold voltage rise across a
water silver/glass barrier, can have a "high freq.
component" added if we futher add air as a barrier
between the potentials so that an arc occurs to the
water surface.
     An arc skimming the water surface is also
possible from the system by immersing the opposite
electrode on the edge of the glass container, as shown
at teslafy homepage.
     But as happenstance would have it: this same high
voltage resonant voltage rise system becomes a lion
tamed down to a lamb when used for TWO electrode
conductions. After inserting a 6 AMP full wave
rectifier diode system (just grabbed what was
handy)with silver coins in distilled water I had a
current limited system, based on the impedance of the
pathways: which for these 60 henry coils exhibiting
20,000 ohms impedance on either side of the DC made
across the coins, functioned most efficiently as a
40,000 ohm impedance value in series; whereby then for
a 13 oz sample, typically the starting current was
already 95% or better then the final derived current
limiting value set by variac.  For a single cell like
this, typically a 10 volt AC variac goes to process to
enable a 1 ma short conduction, and when the actual
conduction is initially read it shows .97-.98 ma
conductions. A system set like this can run 12 hours
for a good final conductivity 3.5 - 4 times more
conductive then starting measurements.

      This same system was expanded to incorporate 5
cells in parallel, using larger silver bar type
conductors: produced a unique observation, the loss of
high voltage effects from the system comes into play
because the "short" as a diode made load "impedance",
(current limited by the variance of 40,000 ohms outer
impedance in series): this condition of having 5 times
more current asked for  from the resonant system
dictates that the laws of internal resistance of the
supply, vs the resistance of the load now start coming
into play. Since formerly a 10 volt input enabled a 1
ma short conduction, we now find the non linear
relationship where now it takes 100 volts to enable
about 4.9 ma short. The second batch run this way for
14 hours showed a five fold conductivity from start!
Excellant results!
     But to make a long story short, since I had two
processes doing two diffferent things,I finally got
into the habit of routinely making the CS over a north
magnetic pole. When I did this for a single cell, I
used the 3 layer magnet winding wafers already
present.  But for the 5 cell in parallel version, this
called for making a 3 magnet holder, for the 5 glasses
in a row. These I made on a common platform , and
after a day or so I noticed I could touch the front
magnets with the CS glasses removed during the high
voltage process, and I observed I could feel vibration
from the magnets by hand touch.. Next I put coils over
these vibrating magnets, and found high freq. signals
corresponding to expectations.

In the the rife neon treatment I use large copper bars
for an arc gap, and these create very high BPS,
(Bursts per second) arcings. The coils over those
magnets showed that, along with a finger of the
subject that can better show the same signal 4 times
over if he had been the influence for the coil. So the
vibration of the polar capacity of the biological
exceeds the magnets 4/1. In these High BPS conditions,
20 rf bursts per 60 hz cycle are common.
     Having seen this remarkable phenomenon whereby
the AC excitation of a 3 magnet wafer could excite
surrouding magnets, I tried a different version
without the presence of a biological in series with
neon/arc gap, and the remedy here was to make the arc
go to water. Here I found tremendous differences found
with previous experiments using a needle to make the
arcing. In that case the arcing is very rapid. But
here, because of the mass and size of used silver
electrodes, what commonly happens is that the water
will form a sort of cone, and then withdraw itself,
where the arcing to water then resumes itself. Then
the water will come again making a short: where in
this case the reaction of the arc hitting the water/
MOVES THE WATER/ so suffiently that if creates a wave
that bounces back between air gap/ and direct water
contact/ although the bottom of the glass is still
present making this not a "true short".

    Thus with large electrodes of size, not having a
sharp point as would a needle: the attraction of the
water becomes a problem. This water by nitrous oxides
made by surface water arcing, naturally took on a
different coloring than the 1 ma low voltage C.L
process. So to conclude if nickel coins were made in
high voltage arcing to surface/opposite wave of
conduction, we should also expect the nickel to
deposit something..., making a version of industrial
magnetic water, not for drinking purposes obviously...

Tesla Research Group; Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances 

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