To List,

  Do you  remember when you started reading the articles  about making
  cs, and finding where to buy 0.999 fine wire to make your own?

  Well, it probably came in 3 ft lengths. So you cut 5 or 6 inches for
  each rod, and put the rest back in the drawer for safekeeping.

  Maybe it's still there! If so here's something to consider.

  We all  started  with the same articles,  and  everyone  pretty much
  built the same thing, and everyone got fairly similar results.

  But if  you take a suitable length of wire, and bend it into  a "W",
  you can  get  4 times the wetted area. Do it again, and  you  have a
  funny-looking but very effective anode and cathode.

  This does  good things. First, it reduces the current  density  by a
  factor of 4.

  If you  recall  my  earlier article on the  ULV  process,  the ratio
  between the  1.4  mA  and 250 uA process was  only  5.6.  The higher
  current produced a lot of mist and black oxide.

  The low current process had a higher ion content because less of the
  silver ions was wasted making mist and black oxide.

  The other good thing is it reduces the initial cell resistance.

  If you are using a current regulator, it will reach current limiting
  faster, so  the  process  is   less   sensitive  to  changes  in the
  temperature and purity of the distilled water.

  It is  also less sensitive to bubbles forming on the rods,  and less
  sensitive to changes in the ion cloud due to movement of the water.

  If you are using constant voltage, get thee to Radio Shack and buy a
  dvm and some resistors.

  You need  to know the initial cell resistance, the wetted  area, and
  the supply voltage.

  For a  start, set the desired current density to 100  uA  per square
  inch. To  get  the  actual   operating  current,  use  the following

  D = I / A


  A = wetted area
  D = current density
  I = actual current


  I = D * A

  If you  have  4 square inches of wetted area, and  want  100  uA per
  square inch,

  I = 100e-6 * 4
    = 400e-6
    = 400 uA

  (Remember this number. We will use it at the end.)

  Now comes the tricky part. What is the initial cell resistance?

  It depends on the purity of the water and the wetted area.  So yours
  will be different from everyone else.

  But you can measure it with your new dvm.

  One of the resistors you need is a 100k. Put this in series with the
  supply and connect it to the rods.

  Measure the  voltage  between the rods, and  quickly  disconnect the
  battery so you don't change the initial cell resistance too  much by
  depositing silver ions into the solution.

  Say you  get 0.5V for the cell volage, and you have a 12V  supply. I
  know these are fictitious numbers, but it is just to  illustrate the
  calculation process. Add your own number when you get them:)

  First, calculate the voltage across the 100k resistor as V2:

  V2 = Vsupply - Vcell
     = 12 - 0.5
     = 11.5V

  Now we can calculate the current through the 100k resistor:

  I = V2 / 100e3
    = 11.5 / 100e3
    = 115e-6
    = 115 uA

  Since it  is  a series circuit, the same  current  goes  through the
  cell. We can now calculate the initial cell resistance:

  Rcell = E / I
        = 0.5 / 115e-6
        = 4347 ohms
  Assume the  resistance  will drop by a factor of 4  when  the silver
  ions are  released. In our case, the final cell  resistance  will be
  approximately 1k.

  The last step is to calculate the external resistor neded  in series
  with the supply to give the desired operating current.

  We get the total resistance needed by using the operating current we
  calculated above:

  R = E / I
    = 12 / 400e-6
    = 30,000 ohms

  Now, the 1k we estimated for the final cell resistance is  only 1/30
  of this value, so we can simply ignore it.

  (See - didn't I tell you putting more silver under water was  a good

  If the  cell  resistance  is an appreciable  fraction  of  the total
  resistance needed,  simply  subtract it from the  total  to  get the
  external resistor value. This works up to a ratio of 1/5 or so.

  If you  cannot arrive at a satisfactory solution,  you  can increase
  the wetted area, or increase the supply voltage, or both.

  So what's  it  like  to  run  at  microamp  levels?  Boring. Nothing
  whatsoever happens until the process nears completion.

  You will  wait and wait, then suddenly notice very tiny  gray spikes
  on the bottom of the cathode. Bingo! You are starting to make  a bit
  of oxide,  or  maybe it's hydrogen bubbles that  have  captured some
  ions. Anyway,  it's a very subtle effect compared to the  brown mist
  we are used to seeing.

  If you  are monitoring the voltage across the cell, you  may  see it
  has plateaued at some value.

  Now comes the reason for equal anode and cathode area.

  Reverse the  polarity across the cell by swapping the + and  - leads
  from the power supply. If you monitor the cell voltage, you will see
  it drop  substantially,  then  start to rise  again  to  the plateau

  You can reverse the polarity several times, then just leave it for a
  while longer, perhaps one-half of the total time since  starting the

  When you are satisfied, stop the process and look at the result.

  You may have the finest pale straw cs you have ever seen. Pour about
  one inch in another glass and add three shakes of salt.

  You should  see a very strong dispersion start immediately,  and get
  stronger as the salt dissolves. It should end up almost milky white.

  This is the strongest stuff I have ever seen.

  Now taste it.

  I think  the  initial taste impression is slightly sweet.  I  and my
  guinea pig friend can detect no metallic aftertaste at all.

  The pale straw color was once considered an indication of the finest
  cs you could get. But few could reproduce it reliably.

  But I'll bet you can anytime you want.

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

(the inevitable corrections will be posted later:)

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