Pleas don't stopposting these references! I always find your posts so
interesting and informative, thank you.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brooks Bradley []
> Sent: 22 May 2003 06:16
> To:
> Subject: CS>[Fwd: Linus Pauling Heart Disease Video: Theory and Therapy]
>               This is one of the better synopses of Linus
> Pauling's "research based"
> recommendations......for the more prevalent cardio-vascular challenges
> among the adult populations of the Western World.
>                       Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley
> p.s.  For those wondering about this flurry of url posts;  I was drawn,
> by heightened interest, as I came across them (some maintaining my
> current interest)during the transferring my pet Bookmarks......into my
> Netscape 7.0  I could not resist sharing/reminding
> those who might possess a possible interest.  I promise a subsidence in
> the url upheaval.....shortly!
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Linus Pauling Heart Disease Video: Theory and Therapy
> Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 20:47:29 -0500
> From: Brooks Bradley <>
> Reply-To:
> Organization: Harborne Research Foundation
> To:
> <>
> --
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