My friend in Australia had this to say about what's happening 'down
under' in Australia:

Yes, one of the major manufacturers who vitamin suppliers use to produce
their vitamins has been found to be putting things in the vitamins that
shouldn't be there or leaving out what should be there causing
ill-health for a small number of
people.  As a result certain brands have been recalled (but not the
reputable ones that I use I might add).  I too hope that this doesn't
turn people away from such a valuable health resource, just that it
makes them more discerning about which they use.

I am very interested in alternative treatments.  Have you explored
anthroposophical medicine for your own health?  It is based on
homeopathy and Rudolf Steiner, so it has a very sound pedigree!


Now I'd not heard of anthroposophical medicine before but will look into


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