I'm resurrecting this old thread 'cause nobody seemed to have a good 
idea what happened to the fish...

I'd bet that the CS promptly killed just about every bacterium in the 
water within a minute or two... All those dead bacteria dumped their 
guts into the water all at once, toxins included. Not a happy 
environment for a fish. The fish were being hit with a heavy toxic load 
all at once.

If you've got a gravel bed in the bottom of the tank, it'd be even 
worse than in a fishbowl. Part of the "biological filter" in a healthy 
tank is the colonies of friendly bacteria that break down wastes like 
ammonia to less toxic compounds.

If you want to try treating a fish with CS, transfer it to a jar of
properly conditioned new water with added CS for a while. Don't add the 
CS to the community tank. 

If you want to isolate a fish, I'd suggest a decent sized quarantine 
tank with simple fixtures (no gravel or plants) and good aeration. The 
big problem will be keeping the wastes from building up in the absence 
of filtration. Only frequent and consistent vacuuming and water changes 
will do.

Be well,

Mike D.

Ed wrote:
> Just wondering IF CS affects (reduces)  the O2 levels in fluids and IF
> Cancer is related to depressed O2 levels may there be a relationship
> there?

Christine wrote:
> I've tried putting cs in my fishtank and almost killed my fish.  He
> was laying on the bottom gasping for air.  Seems that the cs does
> something to the oxygen molecules and the fish can't get the oxygen
> from the water.
> If you want to try it, just use a drop or two, not too much.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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