
Mike Monett inspired me to try a change in the way I brew CS.  Usually I use
a constant current of about 1.2 ma with 12 gauge silver wires with wetted
length of about 4.5 inches spaced about 2 inches in a quart canning jar
filled with Wallmart steam distilled water.  I start with a voltage of about
170 and 4 hours later it ends at about 8 volts.  It is stirred with a 30 rpm
motor the entire time.  PWT reading right after brewing is around 15 uS, and
after a day or so it measures around 12.  Some sludge falls off to the
bottom, and both electrodes get a bit cruddy.  The product is crystal clear
with very low Tyndall effect.

The new way, ultra-low constant current DC, uses 0.2 ma for 24 hours (6
times longer and 6 times less current). Everything else is the same, except
I used thermal stirring (7 watt night light) instead of mechanical stirring.
I just finished a batch and as expected, it also reads 15 uS.  But as Mike
reported earlier, the electrodes stay much cleaner and no sludge fell off
them.  Looks like a better way to go.  Power source was 24 volt AC rectified
& filtered and an LM334 constant current regulator set at 0.2 ma using a 330
ohm resistor.  Simple and safe (low voltage).

Starting voltage to the electrodes was about 17 volts and 24 hours later it
was 1.6 volts.

So I am now thinking a very good CS generator can be made with a base light
for thermal stirring (see my other post for a source), a 20 to 24 volt
"wall-wart" AC transformer (AC adapter), a diode, an electrolytic capacitor,
two resistors, and an LM334.  Whole thing would cost less than $30 including
shipping for the parts.  Or for those liking batteries, it could be done
with the base light, 3 9-volt batteries, the LM334 and one resistor.  LM334s
are available from electronic supply houses for less than one dollar.  I get
mine from Jameco (  A timer to shut it off after 24 hours
would be useful, but if one shuts it off anytime within 20 to 28 hours, a
good brew will be produced.

One power supply could power many LM334s feeding many jars if one needed to
make more than a quart a day.

If you try this method, please share your results with the list.

--Steve Y.

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