Dear Lew,

  I said:

<<<  I think you need to be talking to the people who are on the frontlines
of this ...Nebulizing is how they feel a number of health care practitioners
ended up
with SARS.>

You replied:

        <<When there is the will and desire, there is always a way.  This is
an open-minded
forum  for health-care. Those in the frontlines battling SARS  are welcome
to share and to
learn. It is open University with all of us students of Ageless Wisdom.>>

   **  I think you know I have a great deal of respect for your work.  I've
mentioned this more than once on another list to which we both belong.  But
I think if you are to make a suggestion like NO and insist it CAN be done,
the onus of responsibility is on you to explain how given what we already
know about how nebulizing patients with SARS infected those who were
treating the patients.

  I've spent a little more than 2 months in daily contact with SARS Task
Force consisting of people who have tried many different things while
treating SARS.  The testing ground for these things were two hospitals - one
in Beijing and the other in Hong Kong.  Their experiences are valuable.
When they, who are working every day with patients formally diagnosed as
having SARS, and you have a hypothesis you've never really gotten to test in
a formally diagnosed SARS case, it's not difficult for me to decide who has
the more complete information.

    I've never been one to accept the status quo, but there is something to
be said about learning from others' mistakes.

    Most people who help others heal are very sincere and caring.  The
Universe supports these people as best as it can.  But sometimes there are
hard, cold facts we wish weren't there that require some thinking outside of
the box to get around them.

  For example, so many things work in vitro that don't work in vivo.  Right
now, NIH scientists find that licorice is disbling the SARS virus.  The
chances it will do this in vivo are quite slim.  But wouldn't it be grand if
it did?

  It would be grand if NO worked.  In theory it should.  It even stands a
good chance in practice -  but only if we can create another delivery system
that won't risk the lives of others.

  I'd be glad to introduce your idea to the SARS Task Force if you can come
up with an idea for a safe way of administering it.


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