On my website there's a study of several cataract patients who underwent 
antioxidant therapy by using cold-processed whey isolate and selenium. 
The cataracts, which are caused by oxidative stress (free radical 
damage), can't get worse when the correct antioxidants are used.

This does point to toxin/free radical burden.... kidneys are the second 
largest users of glutathione after only the liver, another detox organ, 
and the lungs, exposed to lots of toxins, are the third biggest 
glutathione users.

Duncan Crow

> Brian said that when your body can't eliminate garbage it looks for 
> sights starting with your chest.  After your chest is full and every 
> dump sight is full it then uses your eye.  You have to correct the
> cataract, clean out other garbage dumps and get your elimination system 
> use your kidneys.  Eye surgery does not address the cause of the 
> only the symptom.

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