I received the following from Dr. John Hill:

Subject: Fwd: Call to action for nutritional freedom

  The following is an important message that requests your action to protect
  your rights for affordable access to dietary supplements.

  We appreciate your support!

  Robert Watson
  Vitamin Research Products Inc.

   Spread the Word - CALL YOUR SENATORS NOW!

  Call Your Senators and tell them "Don't take away my right to use safe,
  affordable, health promoting products! Oppose any amendment that limits my
  access to vitamins, minerals, herbs and other dietary supplements."

  Your Senator is on the committee that oversees funding bills for the Food
  and Drug Administration (FDA). When that committee meets this week it may
  consider adding an amendment by Sen. Richard Durbin that would expand the
  authority of the FDA over dietary supplements. Such an amendment would
  effectively gut the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994
  (DSHEA), which safeguards the public's access to safe, affordable and
  effective self care.

  Call your Senators, who are members of the Committee on Appropriations, and
  tell them to reject any amendment that would limit your access to safe,
  effective and affordable dietary supplements.

  See below for what to do and talking points to help you with your call.

  1) Forward this e-mail to 10 people you know who live in your state or the
  states of members of this committee.

  2) Call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 or committee members
  directly at the numbers listed below.

  3) Ask for your Senator by name and the switchboard operator will patch you
  through to his/her office. When you reach your Senator's office, ask to
  leave a message for the Senator.

  5) Use the talking points below or deliver a personal message. Be sure to
  insist on leaving your name and address and ask for a letter back. As a
  constituent, you deserve to know how your Senator acts on your request.

  I'm calling to ask the Senator to vote against any amendment to the
  appropriations bill that will limit my right to use safe, affordable, health
  promoting dietary supplements.

  I believe more needs to be done to ensure that:

  The Food and Drug Administration enforces the current law
  Government doesn't limit the freedom of choice of American consumers when it
  comes to their health
  Safe, effective and affordable dietary supplements are not unfairly singled

  I would like the Senator to write me back to tell me how he/she voted on any
  dietary supplement amendment to the appropriations bill. Thank you.

  Thanks for making the call and doing your part!


  Richard C. Shelby (R), Alabama
  (202) 224-5744

  Ted Stevens, Chairman (R), Alaska
  (202) 224-3004

  Dianne Feinstein (D), California
  (202) 224-3841

  Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R), Colorado
  (202) 224-5852

  Daniel K. Inouye (D), Hawaii
  (202) 224-3934

  Larry Craig (R), Idaho
  (202) 224-2752

  Tom Harkin (D), Iowa
  (202) 224-3254

  Sam Brownback (R), Kansas
  (202) 224-6521

  Mitch McConnell (R), Kentucky
  (202) 224-2541

  Mary L. Landrieu (D), Louisiana
  (202) 224-5824

  Barbara A. Mikulski (D), Maryland
  (202) 224-4654

  Thad Cochran (R), Mississippi
  (202) 224-5054

  Christopher S. Bond (R), Missouri
  (202) 224-5721

  Conrad Burns (R), Montana
  (202) 224-2644

  Harry Reid (D), Nevada
  (202) 224-3542

  Judd Gregg (R), New Hampshire
  (202) 224-3324

  Pete V. Domenici (R), New Mexico
  (202) 224-6621

  Byron L. Dorgan (D), North Dakota
  (202) 224-2551

  Mike Dewine (R), Ohio
  (202) 224-2315

  Arlen Specter (R), Pennsylvania
  (202) 224-4254

  Ernest F. Hollings (D), South Carolina
  (202) 224-6121

  Tim Johnson (D), South Dakota
  (202) 224-5842

  Kay Bailey Hutchison (R), Texas
  (202) 224-5922

  Robert F. Bennett (R), Utah
  (202) 224-5444

  Patrick J. Leahy (D), Vermont
  (202) 224-4242

  Patty Murray (D), Washington
  (202) 224-2621

  Robert C. Byrd (D), Ranking Minority Member, West Virginia
  (202) 224-3954

  Herb Kohl (D), Wisconsin
  (202) 224-5653

  Forward this e-mail to a friend!
