Give it up Lary, we got your point 4 or 5 post ago ! I wonder if you get a independent lab printout of purity from contamination too? I didn't see one.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ

larry tankersley wrote:

.. Well I checked my math on the coop Q-10..... <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
"Not so fast Lary, Coenzyme Q-10  -- Supports cardiovascular health
and energy, 60mg, 60 Veg Caps  $14.93 at the
Heath CO-OP, thats over $3.00 cheaper than Puritan's Pride "
 On the PP three for one sale one bottle of 120 Q-sorb Q-10  at 120 MG
cost $36.31. Divide that by two [ as it's twice the MG of the coop ] and
you have $ 18.15 . The same amount at the coop would be $29.86.  At
least that's the way my math works.. have I missed something? Plus PP's
is the fast absorb,more expensive. I assume Coop's is not as it's not
stated ??
Also.. just got Swanson's new catalog today. The sale price on the
Q-gel is up from $29.99 to $39.99 for 60 gels at 100MG. That will add
aprox.$30.00 to the figure I posted... I think it was about $90.00 so
now it will be $120.00 compared to PP"s  aprox. $55.00..  and that's
comparing apples to apples as far as one can tell.
I don't care where I buy from as long as it's good quality and the
cheapest price !
If I've miss figured I'll be glad to be corrected if it will save me a
buck..... Hey gang it's only money.. but I still like to save it.

larry tankersley; Gainesville,Florida USA

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