FYI-- Not necessarily my views. There will be a big demonstration at the
Y-12 plant this Sat.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Phelps <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2003 4:09 PM
Subject: [DOEwatch] Excalibur and nanoscience--->Chemtrails are global

> Hello Folks,
> Lots of the latest series of chemtrails information has been directed at
> teaching the big picture of how these things work and their simple
origins.  The
> origins of chemtrails trace back to the Egyptian colloid purple gold and
> these came from their metal working efforts.  Egyptian metals sciences
> powder metal materials to make advanced alloys.  They had steel from the
> These issues lead to the naming for Star Wars and the naming for
> The colloid science of today is called nanoscience.  I invented
> and the revolution in small atom scale materials to effect global systems
> effects.
> Lets begin this discussion with the science behind the King Arthur Sword
> named Excalibur.  Science in the old days had proprietary secrets and
these things
> often were reported in a kind of cryptic method linked to myths, because
> common people did not understand science very well.  We know the Egyptians
> access to steel in the form of star metals, or meteor iron of low carbon
> high nickel.  These irons were worth more than gold by factor of ten.
> Pharaohs were buried with their Star Metals.
> The great long shiny sword of King Arthur was made by these same methods.
> Excalibur was made from either bog iron, which is refined by a bacteria
> into little balls of low carbon iron, or even the use of similar low
> meteor iron.  This was the steel of the old days and even was allowed with
> nickel, so it was like a stainless steel.  This is how King Arthur and
> UK was connected to the secrets of the Ark.  The Ark brought metals
> technology to the UK from what the Jewish people learned from Egypt and
used to
> establish their own cultures beginning with Moses and his volcano and
metals research.
> The Excalibur says that only the pure of heart can pull the sword from the
> stone in which is was lodged, and this means simply that the secrets of
the Ark
> were only shared with those that intended its use for good.  This is the
> of issue that is related to the issues of national security today--that of
> common good.  It has been in elements of religions since the beginning of
> time.  Everyone that works in the national security business recognizes
> methods of communications using symbolism's.
> In Egypt, the symbols for eternal life was the Ankh, which is the sign for
> copper.  Copper was one of the first metals mined and smelted with the
> temperatures of charcoal processes.  Copper was used all over Egypt for
mirrors and
> ways to extend life, pharmacy.  This started the use of the metals for
> Egypt also used other metals for this, like the very corrosion free gold.
> Gold had medicinal properties to combat mercury poisoning effects from
> mining.
> Along the way, Egypt, China, and others learned how to cook with gold to
> improve health.  And the simple story of Moses and the golden rings cooked
> the golden calf is the same type story.  They found that making a gold
> with very fine atomic levels of gold, called a colloid, was the best
medicine of
> all.  Colloids could be made with batteries from dissimilar metals or a
> chemical process called "Purple of Cassius."  The effect of the colloids
was that
> their size was on the order of those for proteins in the body and they
> get into all parts of the body and cells with ease.  There they could
> with mercury or fluoride and render it harmless, then be excreted.
> It was this amazing discovery that Egypt gave to its rulers as a right to
> rule and right to power.  It was one of their most highly prized secrets,
next to
> the pure iron star metals.  Star metal and copper could be used with fruit
> acids to make batteries in these old times and be used to make "purple
> Purple gold took on the name Manna in these old times and it had special
> to heal and was said to have come from the stars.  Its link to copper,
> meant eternal life, and the link to pure iron, or star metals is the key.
> was the special propriety secret of rulers in these times, from those of
> Egyptians and Isis on down to Moses and The Star of David Throne.  This
> believe made them the chosen ones of God and gave them the Divine Right to
> Manna given to the rulers gave them higher powers to think and cognitively
> process compared to the simple masses, or what became the gentiles.  When
> to the Jewish masses via the wine and sacrament processes it made them
> resistant to disease and offered a strategic advantage.  This has been
used for
> thousands of years.  Even the dark side secret of the Ark using the toxic
> metals and fluorides were used to overcome enemies.  It could often
> enemies within their own minds, due to the nervous system effects.
> Today, the issues of colloids falls into the category of nanosciences.
> Nanosciences involve these small particles from the size of atoms to sizes
> under the resolution of light microscopes.  Colloids can be in gas or air,
> liquids, in solids, or the surfaces of solids.  Colloids of gold or silver
> the same size as proteins in the body and can travel these same pathways
in the
> body and remove the toxic materials.  This is why colloidal gold and
silver is
> so effective in the prevention of the formation of the destructive
> fluoride-metal complexes.  It was this pharmacy effect that the Egyptians
> and the Jewish used to give them the Divine Rights from God.
> Claiming Divine Right by these processes have a great deal to do with
> and Treachery, because these metals industry trade secrets have little to
> with God.  It is more about using trade secrets to accomplish a process of
> Racketeering.  This process has come to a head and now threatens the
prosperity of
> the world, by it not being reported.
> I discovered all these pharmacy effects back in the mid-80's at ORNL it
> off the science called nano-science.  This nano-science is the key to the
> chemtrails and atmosphere effects.  We have discussed how HF is a problem
in the
> atmosphere leading to higher UV-b causing the CO2 levels to rise due to
> on plants.  The HF in the atmosphere is a very small particle or colloid
> suspension in air.  HF having the similar molecular weight of air, rises
to the
> highest in the ozone layers.  Here the captured hydrogen is ionized and
emits the
> dangerous UV-b levels at higher rates.  The freon is also a colloid of
> particles that are carried along in the air via a colloid type suspension.
> The Sun's radiation causes it to for fluorides, which combine with
hydrogen to
> worsen the UV-b radiation.
> The chemtrails were made from the knowledge of this very same 5,000 year
> science.  The titanium method is just a colloid method.  Jet planes burn
> titanium and make a few titanium oxide particles, which fall to Earth and
> in the lungs of humans and animals to offset the lung cancer effects and
> gets into the animal food chain to keep their immune damage lessened.
> is used to offset the health damage effects of aluminum and barium.
> This same thinking went into the alloy of DU penetrators with titanium.
> percent titanium is mixed with DU to make it harder than steel and the
> pyrofloric nature of uranium is then used to cut thru simple steel like a
blow torch.
>  It forms a large number of uranium particles that have colloidal
> properties in air and can travel some distance.  DU is so good at cutting
> its nickname is the silver bullet.  The titanium added is also used to
> the uranium toxic effects, much like how colloidal silver is use for
> The low percentage of titanium does not appear enough to offset the health
> effects of uranium.
> Barium in chemtrails uses the colloid system to stay suspended to cause
> collection of water vapor from the air to set up larger particles that
> Mie scattering to help cool off the global warming effects due to the rise
> CO2 levels from the HF damage to the ozone layer.  Barium is a cloud
> technique due to its hygroscopic nature.  Aluminum does the same thing,
but gets
> some help in the jet plume from the abundance of sulfuric acid in the air.
> The nano particles of aluminum-oxide react with the sulfuric acid to make
> which is hygroscopic and is also a cloud seeding technique.
> HAARP experiments are aimed at heating these little liquid and frozen
> nano-particles of HF in the atmosphere and causing them to form larger
particles and
> fall from air suspension.  HAARP's RF plasma heating causes a catalyst
> to set up precipitation of the HF from the ionosphere.  This will lower
> UVb levels and in turn act to lower the CO2 and stop global warming.  The
> freq PWM of HAARP is about controlling earthquakes and volcanic events.
> helps support the other methods of global cooling by jet fuels cloud
> methods to cool the planet and lessen these effects.
> The entire basis for the Star Wars Excalibur system is based on the
> of these colloidal suspensions in the upper atmosphere.  The Sun's
> on these materials sets up conductive layer plasma effects in the
> The Sun also supplies huge amounts of electrons to the North Pole via MHD
> type effects that charge up the Earth's atmosphere with electric charge.
> effect can be used for pollution free energy from the Sun, or it can be
used for
> immense Star Wars weapons systems.  The Star Wars science is derived right
> out of these 5,000 year old colloid sciences and the old Egyptian star
> and how King Arthur's sword was made.
> Today, this nano-science that I started at ORNL in the mid-80s has come to
> explain the issues of super conductors with nano films of atoms and that
> super magnets with nano-grain structures.  My nano-science discoveries are
> used to control global warming and global health, and are the essences of
> global systems science.  It uses the secrets of the Ark of the Covenant
and the
> secrets of 5,000 year old Egyptian metals sciences.
> Oak Ridge became the lead place for discovery of these problems because
> gas diffusion plant here leaked HF and freon into the local air in huge
> quantities.  The nano-particle / colloid effects of these releases came to
poison the
> local workers, local communities, and even set up the ozone hole UVb
>  The diffusion plants even used some of the old Egyptian methods of powder
> metallurgy to make the diffusion barrier.  The diffusion barrier is made
> powdered nickel and calcium fluoride of about 1 micron size, that is
> together to form a gas diffusion matrix.
> The Egyptians started these powder metal techniques to work iron at the
> temperatures of charcoal heat.  They also invented the sintering process.
It was
> these methods of the Ark that played principle roles in the creation of
> Manhattan Project's uranium enrichment technique.  This is how all the Oak
> plants came to have religious significance.  X-10, the sign of God and Ten
> Commandments.  Y-12, Yahweh and the twelve disciples.  These are the old
> sciences from the Ark and from Egypt that lead to these special code
> I have managed to end the production of freon in the US due to these
> and one can see that Freon was banned by Congress just after my
discoveries.  I
> also managed to shut down the Oak Ridge gas diffusion plant due to all
> related problems of it loosing freon and HF.  The other gas diffusion
> will soon close also.
> Problems remain due to crooked presidents abusing and covering up these
> immense problems to protect the pharmaceutical and AMA, and this cover up
> to Racketeering.  The root of these cover ups over chemtrails directly
lead to
> the 911 disaster.  It is directly caused by the Bush (41, 43) cover ups of
> chemtrails and what they do, and their allied industries profits in
> these secrets from the world.  These persons are criminals of the
> predicted for the End-Times.  They want to use the power of the Ark to
> strategic advantage to the US and kill off other ethnic countries with
> while making huge profits from pharmacy.
> I am the fail-safe for these problems, a kind of Egyptian Anubis watchdog
> the feather balance of right vs wrong.    Very soon now, the entire Bush
> is going to fall from grace and wind up in Kansas for a very long stay.
> Demon Seed will be stopped from further poisoning of the tree of
> As in the "Wizard of Oz," when folks abuse human frailties, and "to-To"
> the curtain off the evil wizard, all can fall to the special iron walled
> palace in Kansas, Levinworth.
> Once we get this problem solved, then like the Moses and volcano problems,
> can come into the times of the promissed land and a kinder and gentler
> Fluorides and the dark side methods from the Ark can no longer be used to
> imprison persons in their own minds.   Things will improve rapidly after
> Health problems will clear up and population growth will stabilize.   The
> gotten gains of the Bush Mafia and their corrupted friends will be siezed
> used for a national health care system.
> The Star Wars technologies will be shared with all the world and this will
> come to calm down terrorism, as all will find that we are one.    And that
> basis of all religions are about one thing----truth and seeking the light.
> That knowledge will set all mankind free and all will be equal again.
> All peoples of the world are invited to help in this process to do the
> greater goods.
> Sincerely,
> Jim Phelps
> ===============================================
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