Greetings to all

        [  German chemist Kurt Geckeler and his colleague Shashadhar 
Samal stumbled on the effect while investigating fullerenes at their 
lab in the Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology in South 
Korea. They found that the football-shaped buckyball molecules kept 
forming untidy aggregates in solution, and Geckler asked Samal to 
look for ways to control how these clumps formed. 

What he discovered was a phenomenon new to chemistry. "When he diluted 
the solution, the size of the fullerene particles increased," says 
Geckeler. "It was completely counterintuitive," he says. 

Further work showed it was no fluke. To make the otherwise insoluble 
buckyball dissolve in water, the chemists had mixed it with a circular 
sugar-like molecule called a cyclodextrin. When they did the same 
experiments with just cyclodextrin molecules, they found they behaved 
the same way. So did the organic molecule sodium guanosine monophosphate, 
DNA and plain old sodium chloride.

Dilution typically made the molecules cluster into aggregates five 
to 10 times as big as those in the original solutions. The growth 
was not linear, and it depended on the concentration of the original. 

"The history of the solution is important. The more dilute it starts, 
the larger the aggregates," says Geckeler. Also, it only worked 
in polar solvents like water, in which one end of the molecule has 
a pronounced positive charge while the other end is negative. ]

    Perhaps the answer to this biochemical anomaly
may be found in

        The Physical Basis of Homeopathy and a New

                by Dr. Guy Beckley Stearns MD
                      Edgar D. Evia

      Please click " What is Homeopathic Potency ? "

in URL :

With regards

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