Did he ever hear of a simple fish tank air bubblier to break the nitrogen, and mix the solution ?
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ

Warren Jefferson wrote:

 Hello All,

I thought you might like to know what Stephen Quinto of natural-immunogencis.com thinks about home made CS. He wrote me the following after reading the manuscript for my upcoming book "Colloidal Silver Today" due out in Oct. 03. I think this issue of AgNO3 should be addressed . There are a lot of folks making CS at home. Are we at risk? Comments?

"We do not really condone the home-making of CS.  One of the contaminants
(AgNO3) is toxic and cumulative in the human body. The equipment necessary to avoid this is generally beyond the ability of the maker. And the burden of so much elemental silver that is a certainty from such products dilutes
the efforts the body needs to deal with healing issues."


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