Jack, apparently the Pony had a pack a day habit before coming to live with us. We cut her off, cold turkey. My father died of lung cancer, so there was no way I was going to let a smoker in the barn. Unfortunately, I can't afford that nebulizer gadget for horses. It costs more than we spent to buy her. Wish I was handy and could figure out how to make one. I may try Catherines blanket over the head routine. It's good to know that you have restored some lung function...what kind of hay do you eat, and do you water it down first? It helps with the dust.

Sharon   9/17/03 9:41 AM  Wrote:

 We have a pony with COPD, and I
 think I will try using CS on her.
Hi Sharon,

I was diagnosed with COPD caused
by my smoking. I have managed to quit
smoking, and  have had very good results
restoring lung function with a nebulizer.

Do you really think you should let your
pony smoke?  :-)


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-- Be Nice

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Q: How many surrealists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A:Two. One to hold the giraffe and the other to fill the bathtub with
brightly colored machine tools.