Al Davis wrote:
> Hi Robert.
> I have used an Omron compressor type nebulizer to treat a case
> of recurring bronchitis/pneumonia which plagued me for about
> 15 years.  Antibiotics had never done anything except suppress it
> for a while, and I could always feel a slight irritation when I took a
> deep breath.  About two weeks of nebulizing CS completely
> eliminated the problem and I have absolutely no trace of irritation
> remaining, and I haven't nebulized for close to a year.
> The compressor types are noisy and bulky.  The ultrasonics are
> small, silent and you can use them anywhere, any time.  I haven't
> used the Mystique, but a friend has one and I haven't heard anything
> negative in regard to it.
> As an aside, I recently saw a post from someone that breathing in
> through the mouth caused them to cough.  This is normal but it
> only lasts for a few breaths, then the bronchial tubes accept it.
> At least this was my experience.  If you take it in through the nose,
> most of it condenses on the hairs in the nose, some gets to the sinuses (if
> you breathe hard enough) and very little to the lungs.
> Persist with the mouth breathing and you should be O.K.
> Hope this helps.

Thank you Al. It helps me a lot since I'm so new to nebulizing. I
noticed the cough and then tried to breathe deeply through the nose and
then go back to mouth breathing. I will persist from now on.

Again, thanks,


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