Hi, List!

I have been gleaning info on making EIS from Ole Bob, Dan Nave, Mike Monett, 
and anyone else I could find on this List.  Being a novice, I would be 
grateful if you wiser heads could take a look at this and tell me if I 
have 'done good' or need to start over.

E.I.S. Generation 

Anode is .999 silver wire 14ga. with a wetted area of 12sqin
Cathode is 316 Stainless Steel with a wetted length of  6" (3/32 dia.)
Stirring is mechanical (1.5vdc motor @ 8300rpm max with heat shrink tube 3" 
DW = 3.25 liters
   E = 37vdc (unregulated)
   D = 0.000326a/sqin
   T = 3hrs. = 10800seconds

   I = D * A
    = 0.000326 * 12
    = 0.003912
 R = E / I
   = 37 / 0.003912
   = 9458
   = 9.4k

P = E^2 / R
   = 1369 / 9400
   = 0.1456
   = 1/4 watt 

M = K * I * T
   = 0.001118 * 0.003912 * 10800
   = 0.0472284grams
   = 47.23mg

PPM = mg / lt
        = 47.23 / 3.25
        = 14.53

If this is not correct, please correct me.  If it is correct, is it too much 
silver too fast?
I want EIS not CS.
I have tried to apply what I've found on the list, but, I am neither 
scientist, chemist nor engineer.
I need all the help I can get.

Thank you in advance.
Bruce Anderson

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