
An anecdote: family experience on three persons using an ordinary Omron TENS unit -- some simple units not available in Japan for the equivalent of twenty bucks or less -- shows very rapid results in eliminating even protracted lung and sinus congestion from "common colds" or "influenza." Whether the pathogen is bacterial or viral I can not say; typically, neither can an MD, as they rarely do any tests, but merely prescribe antibiotics, which is profitable for them.

The TENS units have higher amperage but can be adjusted to a comfortable level. Pulse rate is variable on some units. I use a very low pulse rate in a "tataku" setting, which, when the electrodes are on the shoulders, produces a sensation that mimics someone striking the shoulders during massage.

On myself, wife, and a twelve-year old girl (who is generally not permitted to experiment with CAM as a matter of caution), the results were astonishingly rapid and effective.

I have not data to support the use of TENS for blood electrification, but am writing only to say that placing electrodes on each wrist and using a particular setting and pulse rate, at a low intensity, worked amazing well for the particular reason cited above. Clinicians who have the time, finanical support, and inclination to do tests might compare these low-cost units to more expensive "pulsers," "zappers," and other such units.


On Thursday, Oct 23, 2003, at 07:38 Asia/Tokyo, Robb Allen wrote:

What I am really curious about is whether the very long term sessions are what makes this zapper more don't have to search very far
on the internet to find ALOT of testimonials for this device......Robb

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Combis" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 1:20 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Terminator Zappers

I couldn't agree more.  You have to find avenues that work for you and
find people that have experienced something that actually works.  If it
wasn't for the CS lists I would have never learned so much about the
wonderful benefits of colloidal silver. And hearing people's experiences
with it has been awesome.

I wish they had a list like the CS ones for the terminator zapper, so that
people can share and learn about other's experiences. Maybe we should start one?? I have received a great benefit from it but it works differently than
CS and probably not as fast.  I feel that people who have had negative
experiences with the zapper, should have been using colloidal silver as
well. Sometimes the zapper can shake things up and if you stop zapping for the day and don't have anything like colloidal silver or GSE going for you,
then you will run into problems.

The principles behind it make complete sense when you think about. Use an
electirical current/frequency that is safe for healthly human cells but
harmful to pathogens (bacteria, fungus and parasites). That is it. The
simplest solutions are often the best.....

-----Original Message-----
From: Delmont Neroni []
Sent: Wed 10/22/2003 11:25 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Terminator Zappers

Besides, when you try to look up stuff on the internet, you get a lot of
arguments on both sides of the issue, and you don't know who to believe. Most of the "positive" reports on the zapper I have found are on the web
sites of those who are selling them, and to me that always raises a red
flag. So I rely more on the experiences of other users who, like me, are interested in what works rather than pursuing profit or propaganda. The only way to find out what really works is to talk to people who have tried
it, the more the better.  Thus the value of these mailing lists.

With that said, if something looks like a good idea, and if I am pretty
sure it will do no harm, then I will sometimes try it anyway just to see if it does anything. If I don't see any results within a reasonable amount of
time, I assume it is snake oil and discard it.

That is how I found out about colloidal silver, which gave me positive
results immediately and has continued to do so ever since.

I am also interested in the zapper, so if there is anybody else out there
who has direct experience with it, please chime it. Since Rob gives it a positive report, I am inclined to try it, but more information from people
with first hand experience would be welcome.


----- Original Message -----
From: Robb Allen <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Terminator Zappers

I intend to..........I was just hoping that others already have some
knowledge.....isn't that how we learn..?....asking questions?.........Robb

----- Original Message -----
From: Sara Mandal-Joy <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 8:56 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Terminator Zappers

Why don't you do some actual research, and make up your own mind.  Joy

----- Original Message -----
From: Robb Allen <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 11:29 PM
Subject: CS>Terminator Zappers

Hi.....I've been reading alot about these zappers......about the Mobius
coils..?.....and the orgone generator..?.........what the heck are these people believe this stuff?.........someone please explain
what these things are....thanks.....Robb

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