RE: CS>Raw Eggs Salmonella & B Vit's

     From: Malcolm Stebbins wrote:
     Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 16:34:26 

>Hi, Raw eggs contain an enzyme which is destructive of B vitamins,
probably a mechanism to reduce cannibalism among birds who develop a
taste for their unhatched progeny;  hens - or roosters - low in B
Vitamins become 'unthrifty', low in energy and scruffy looking
withal.  I believe the old expression "Egg on your face"
came from the practice of culling out birds with this
self-incriminating  mark from the rest of the flock.

Do you know if it is in the white or the yolk of the egg, or both?
For instance, I have seen recommendations to eat raw 
egg yolk daily but not to eat the egg white.  One recommends 
only including the raw egg white in the diet if one is going to 
perform strenuous physical exercise.


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