I have been useing the air bubble mixing for many years, it works great for me, I make a gallon at a time with Colloidal Master, AC model 777 ... I have high priced PH test guage , I get PH of 7 to 8 all the time, never lower than 6.7 and I have 2 hanna testers both kinds, I get a 12 to 15 ppm in an over night brewing. I have tried other types of CS generators, and various stiring methods...For me this work the best.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ

Matthew McCann PE wrote:

Hi, Rowena,
Others have a lot more experience
with CS generation than I do, but I
would like to make a remark about
air-bubbler mixing. I have reason to
think that the bubbler method can
produce a spurious Tyndall Effect.
I would not use it anymore.
Best regards, Matthew

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