I have found several things that are very effective!

The main reason that I dont have migraines anymore is because I got Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy and then did 500+ hours of training to become a therapist. NAMTPT web site http://www.myofascialtherapy.org

Follow the diet restrictions at: Natural treatment for migraine and depression http://www.MigrainePrevention.org this can make all the difference (for me the mail concern is peanuts and tomatoes). I was already migraine free by the time I found them, but I use the diet and the product in small amounts for depression. I took antidepressants for 20 years and now take nothing but an occasional supplement and avoid specific foods.

Lately I stared getting headaches (3 in about 10 days) that would not respond to OTC NSAID. It took me a bit but I figure that it was the Aspartame in the mints that I was munching on in large amounts. Nurtasweet is often the culprit in many misdiagnosed condition, headache, migraine, fibromyalgia, MS and a few others, I have heard.

I have stopped a clients 5 week long migraine with muscle work inside her mouth. There are MANY muscles in the neck, shoulders and head that cause migraine/headache. These are sometimes called tension headaches and will often last for days. I have been able to get rid of classic migraines for people also. Myofascial trigger point therapy, myotherapy, Neuromuscular Technique, Myofasacial release and if you can not find any of those, find a massage therapist that "does trigger point". Techniques listed in order of effectiveness INHO, you should feel results in a treatment or 2.

Dont forget Chiropractic, this is often a big help or cure. Poor posture and body mechanics can cause problems, so you dont have to be in an accident to cause structural misalignment or/and trigger points.

In general: There are MANY VERY effective alternative therapies and preventions for migraines. Sadly, most of them are more work than many people are willing to put into their own health and so many people loose out and continue to use ineffective meds (only treat the symptom)and believe their doc that there is nothing more to do.

Let me know if I can help you after you have done some reading and need some answers. Best to contact me privately, I often cant keep up to the list.

None of this is medical advice and if your health should improve due to your actions after reading this information, it is not my fault.


Does anyone know of an effective, non-drug therapy for the prevention or
alleviation of chronic migraine headaches?
Delmont P Neroni
Alternative Systems
84 Fosdyke Street
Providence, RI 02906
Phone: 401-454-0622
Fax     : 831-306-9479

"Will those that wish to proclaim that something is impossible to do, please
refrain from disturbing those that are doing it."

Good health is the vital principle of bliss.

NAMTPT web site http://www.myofascialtherapy.org
Pittsburgh School of Pain Management  http://www.painschool.com
Natural treatment for migraine and depression http://www.MigrainePrevention.org