I have been adding Xylitol powder to my nose spray all summer, it really works for me, I got the idea when I seen the nose spray advertised on the Xylitol order page and they added vitiman C to preserve it, I wondered if CS would do the same...It did, and I also add Emu oil (a few drops) and some pure alovera juce ( grow it yourself) I have tried a coulpe drops of lougo's Iodine as well it seems to speed the relief some? (test to make sure your not allergic to iodine first) This is my experment for myself, your free to experment yourself, but I do not recomend anything, except to kiss the FDA's Butt. After all they were handed Xylitol back in 1974, but failed to recomend it, Xylitol is the # one sweener in Europe today, as it has only 2 calories and 0 carbs per tea spoon...I love it ! Check it out on your own.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey AZ

Harold MacDonald wrote:

In my previous post I did not mean to imply that the sinusitus was cured,but
is under good control.To effect a complete cure I believe this will be a
long term protocol.
Xylitol is not a bactiricide/germicide,but has the effect of making cells
and tissues so slippery that the pathogens[whatever they are] are unable to
stay attached;and are consequently washed away.When they are loosened[as
mucous] then the CS and H202 can get at and destroy them.The MSM among other
things is a mild pain killer and helps to ease the sinus pain.
My attempts in the past at using just straight CS had limited effect on the
sinus. This protocol may have been helped with us chewing Xylitol gum after
each meal also.
I hope this helps.

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