>Gout is urea crystallizing in the muscles of the

Yes it is, there is no doubt about that part, except
it's not just the muscles, it's the blood stream and
it usually falls with gravity to the lower
extremities. For an active right handed person, that
will usually be the right big toe. An office worker
may get it in the hips.

It's the next part that ain't necessarily so:

>caused by over consumption of proteins.
protein=nitrogenous waste=urea. Cut back 
on meat...<

Gout is like mouth ulcers, everybody knows what it is,
but nobody has pinned down the preceding cause. The
statement above may be true for some, but not for all,
and most certainly not for me or near-extreme
carnivores like me.

To make a long story short, I cured my gout
permanently over 10 years ago by eating a rare steak
at least twice a month, and usually once a week. Well
done wouldn't do it and hamburgers wouldn't do it, and
certainly no other meat would do it. It had to be a
rare steak or rare rib roast. In layman's terms, it
made my kidneys go back to work. In short, I peed my
gout away.

This will not work for everybody to be sure. I
certainly hope the cherry cure works well for all who
use it, but my harsh glycemic response would never
handle that.

Yum I just finished off a huge ribeye, oops gotta go
to the bathroom....


>and above advise along with drinking a lot of lemon
or lime 
juice and water helps alkalise the body.< 

And yes I agree with doing that anyway!

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