You can bet I'll try that (aspartame)- it sure is
cheaper than acephate.

Someone posted about not disturbing the mounds; I
respectfully disagree despite all the poison and bait
instructions that say not to disturb the mound.

The fact is you can drive them out of your yard with
nothing but a stick. Just stir up the mound, they will
move the colony immediately. Every time they move they
lose population and larva, and spend less time on
foraging. If you keep it up you will force a colony
into oblivion once they can no longer feed themselves
for the sake of moving. This is why you hear of so
many folk remedies for them like grits and rice. All
you're doing is disturbing them, they leave that hill,
and you think you killed them. Heck, I'm not even sure
coffee grounds kill them; I just know they really
don't like coffee and will avoid any place sprinkled
with it.

It's just easier to be killing a bunch of them while
you run them down.

Daddybob in fireant infested Cape Fear NC where
everything in the woods bites, sticks and draws blood.

And I really like Ode's guines fowl idea. Just saw
some today. Might get me some. Did you know Guineas
and Chickens can cross? Some say no, but I've seen one
with my own eyes. Really funny looking bird. 

> I use (Aspartame) it is sold in Albertsons stores in
> AZ . aprox $5.00 
> per pound...They carry it into the chambers to feed
> the young, (no food 
> value) so they starved distorted several mounds of
> fire ants here , it 
> takes several applications, of about a small hand
> full around the ant 
> hill. each time about a pound will last for several
> months to a 
> year.,,,(don't eat it yourself)  ha..
> Tel Tofflemire
> Dewey, AZ.

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