Greetings, all:

I've been following the Tetrasil issue for quite some time.

I'm suspecting that there are serious dangers associated with use, although
this is only a suspicion, and it's based on one unqualified statement:

Tetrasil can only be injected into the body one time, and only one time.
Nowhere have I found the information as to why.  I assume that the liver
takes a BIG hit with the single dose.

Now, when these people inject this product into the body, they are bringing
the total blood content of silver up to 40PPM.  That is bordering on
absolute insanity.  The company states that the product is non-toxic, and
that has to be an outright lie.  If it was not toxic, as claimed, then there
shouldn't be an issue with injecting it a second time.

The patented molecule ( a silica fused molecule, and thus a crystal ) acts
as a delivery device that is triggered by "pathogens".  The makers claim
that it is the energy release that is responsible for effectiveness. So you
have a biologically inert substance going into the body, and then exploding
when it contacts trigger material.  What's left is a bunch of oxygen, in who
knows what form, and a bunch of silver ions, both being delivered with a
kenetic force that likely cannot be predicted in every situation.

Now, we can get a similiar response by the addition of H2O2 and HIGH quality
silver injected into the body at far lower levels, with complete safety,
provided that one knows what one is doing.

The most famous case:

This treatment was done with a product called Silver Colloid Australia.

2 ml of 6% h2o2 were combined with a mediocre but CLEANLY produced CS ( 2
ml ) and injected into the body.

This is a truly safe ( when done with full knowledge and proper
preparation ), effective treatment, which can be repeated over the long
term, and which keeps the amount of silver injected into the body at a

I hate to say this, but I can imagine many circumstances where it may be
possible that injecting tetrasil at those high volumes might kill someone.
As an example, what if an individual also had a late stage, undiagnosed
lymphatic cancer?  It is feasible that this might literally result lethal

The idea of finding a delivery method for silver ions is an excellent one,
and I've always been interested in this line of research. However, this
particular company has avoided many issues, and then mysteriously backed
down ( at least publically ) from their hype.  I've seen it before.  It my
not be "government conspiracy" but rather, unwillful negligence.  It's
possible to cause hemmoroghing by injecting 10 ml of isolated silver into
the bloodstream if the body has not been acclimated to silver via oral use,
although the circumstances surrounding this have not been identified, and
the single case that I am aware of was not lethal, just scary, and occured
because the practitioner in question didn't follow instructions.  Tetrasil
had to modify their original protocol once since it was first used, I'm
betting that they've found they HAVE to reduce the amount used in the
bloodstream for safety reasons, and I bet that lower amounts of tetrasil are
not effective.

Enter:  Isolated Silver.

Best Regards,


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