So, where are all there colloids now?


CS>1936 Readers Digest, note on Iodine

    * From: jrowland (view other messages by this author)
    * Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2003 19:05:03

From a widely quoted 1936 Readers Digest,
'Chemistry's Miraculous Colloids':
"...In colloidal form iodine, for example,
is one of the elements essential to the
well-being of human cells. Yet if you
should drink as much as two or three
grains of free iodine, it would kill you.
Dr. Macy, when explaining this, held up an
eight ounce cup full of colloidal iodine.
"There," he said,"is the equivalent of
740 grains of free iodine - enough to kill
300 men." And he drank it. In that form
iodine is not only harmless but beneficial.
The same is true of arsenic and other
deadly poisons..."


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