> Healthy looking or not on the x-ray, once this 
> inflammation has completely settled, the molar 
> has to come out which allows the jawbone/cavitation 
> to be cleaned professionally

I have had and am having great success with an
infected tooth right now, using a Magnetic Pulser.

I was in an auto accident 34 years ago that broke out
my 5 front top teeth. A bridge was installed, using
the two end and one middle tooth (what was left of
them) to hold the bridge in place. Over the years, the
two end teeth decayed away, until only the middle
tooth was holding the bridge in place. Finally, it
broke in half, split lengthwise up the middle, which
then became infected. I had a big bulge on the roof of
my mouth that I couldn't even touch with my tongue. I
was panicking about the cost of surgery, etc., when my
brilliantly sharp mind remembered that (Duh!) I owned
a Magnetic Pulser!

I exposed the roof of my mouth to two 4-minute
sessions before bed (about 130 'clicks'), and next
morning, the bump and all pain was gone.

Several months later, the bump and pain returned, but
on my gum between my lip and front teeth. I again
exposed that area to 130 clicks, with the same result
that it disappeared by the next morning. This time,
however, it returned a day later. I found that I could
keep it away by Pulsing myself each morning and
evening. If I missed one time, the bulge and pain were
back by the next period (morning or evening). I used
this regime for several months until I could get to a
dentist to remove the bridge and allow the hole in my
gum around the tooth to heal closed.

For the last four months or so, a back molar that had
had a very large cavity filled (the dentist warned me
that this was so big, it might not last - this with no
amalgum) has begun to hurt. Overnight the pain became
so great, I was ready to lose the tooth. I called the
dentist, who prescribed antibiotics and a heavy
painkiller. When the pain had first hit me, the Pulser
didn't seem to be helping, and I couldn't stand the
pain long enough to experiment. So I gave in and
bought the antibiotics (mostly so I could get to the

Interestingly, during the 10 days that I was taking
the penicillin, I stopped drinking CS (didn't want to
kill the penicillin), and a long-standing herpes cold
sore condition erupted on my lips. Fortunately, I had
a supply of Lysine powder, which I ingested liberally,
which kept the herpes from getting out of hand. As
soon as the pain and swelling had subsided, I started
drinking my usual 12+ oz of CS/day, and the cold sores

Since then, the molar starts hurting about once every
week or two, and two sessions with the MP cancels it.
Yes, I ought to get a healthy root canal, but I'd
rather use the money to buy a car!

It's nice to see so many of the same folks on the list
that were here last time I was here.

Terry Chamberlin

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