Thora said:
> I never have taken vitamins until recently, and that

Actually, although vitamins are important, they are
used by the body to utilize minerals (plus other
functions). We are MADE of minerals.

Some years ago I searched the net to find a good
source of minerals. My criteria was that I wanted a
supplement that contained as many minerals as possible
(a comprehensive mineral formula), that was liquid
(the most assimilable form), that was organic minerals
(as opposed to metallic minerals) and that was
reasonably priced.

I found a dozen companies (at least) that claimed to
sell such a product. I bought from a number of them,
drank it like water and observed my body's response.

Only two of the products I tested on myself had any
affect on me. The rest had as much affect as if I was
just drinking lemonade (in fact, I think in some of
them, that IS all I was drinking!).

The two products were a liquid mineral supplement
offered by a multi-level company called New Vision.
They recommended you drink one ounce per day (one
bottle per month), but I found that it didn't really
improve things until you drank 2 - 4 ounces per day.
At $36 per bottle (Canadian), that added up pretty
quick. The other product is called Concentrace, sold
by a company called Trace Minerals Research, in Utah.
They are NOT multi-level, and turn out to be the most
economical mineral product I've seen on the market.
Also the most comprehensive mineral supplement I've
found. Concentrace contains every single mineral
needed by the human body (well over 100). (Since these
minerals are in trace amounts, this is not a good
supplement to fill your calcium needs, or any other
macro-minerals.) It is also the most concentrated
mineral supplement on the market. The recommended
daily dose is 1/4 tsp, 2xday. Of course, you can
exceed that dose and benefit even more. I have clients
who ingest one tsp, 2xday. They tell me they do this
because they have so demineralized their bodies in the
last 30 or more years that they want to put it back as
fast as possible.

80% of my clients tell me that they experience
noticeable health improvements within 24 hours after
starting Concentrace (usually improved digestion and
regularity, among other things).

I approached this company and asked them if I could
buy from them wholesale to sell to my clients (who are
ALL demineralized). They told me they ONLY sell to
Health Food stores. I kept bugging them, and finally
got a chance to meet with the owner of the Canadian
distribution company. He finally agreed to sell to me,
and he tells me I am the only private individual in
Canada who is allowed to buy from them (but I also
sell more of their product than many HF stores!).

Call all the HF stores around you and ask if they
carry it. I can sell it to you, but a HF store will
sell it cheaper. (I am required to price it higher
than a HF store so I am not competing with them.) Even
so, a 3-month supply is only $30.

I have an article I can send to those who request it
which explains the part minerals play in our health. I
am told it is quite interesting and informative. (It
is, but I am trying to be humble.)

Thora, it sounds like, among other things, that you
could benefit from a program to remineralize your
body. I would highly recommend you acquire some
Concentrace for this purpose.

Terry Chamberlin, B.Sc., C.N.C., Bioanalyst
Metabolic Solutions Institute
Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia B0S 1M0 Canada
902-584-3810 voice/message
413-826-7641 fax service

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