I started noticing a long time ago that some folks did
not respond to nutrition, no matter what they did.
Then, after I received training to become a counselor,
I made the connection between unresolved emotional
issues and poor health. I frequently see folks come in
for testing whom I know right away will not experience
improvement, no matter how many supplements they take
or what kind of diet they follow. Women who have
sexual abuse in their past, and still carry the
corrosive bitterness about it. Men who are driven by
various emotional woundings, physical abuse, etc.

A client of mine, an older woman, called me to ask if
I would test her grand daughter. Her grand daughter
had stopped attending classes at college, and cried
continually as long as she was conscious. She didn’t
know why she cried so much. I was dubious about the
effectiveness of diet and nutrition. After I tested
her, it was plain that her biochemistry was quite
unbalanced, but I offered to pursue a therapy using
EFT, if they were interested. (I had read the manual,
and had used it on myself with amazing results, but
never someone else.) She didn’t seem too interested. 

A week after I tested the young woman, the grandmother
called again to ask if I could try “that counseling
stuff”. I explained that it wasn’t counseling, but we
made an appointment that Saturday. The grandmother and
her grand daughter came in for the appointment, and
the grandmother said, “I’ll be back in an hour.” She

The young woman sat there, crying, while I explained
the principles behind EFT. I then had her tap herself
while repeating after me, “I completely and totally
love and accept myself.” After one or two sessions of
tapping on the nine points, the woman stopped crying.

We met each Saturday morning for five weeks. By the
end of the fifth session, she was ready to go back to
school, had a bounce in her step, and told me, “I now
have the tools for coping with whatever life may throw
at me.” She was absolutely radiant, and I was
absolutely amazed.

During the tapping sessions we did, things came up.
She remembered being raped. She got in touch with her
anger at her father for leaving (divorce) and her
mother for driving her father away. She relinquished
her anger at them and forgave them. Every week she was
brighter and happier than the week before.

At one point, I said, “I think you need to forgive
God.” She said, “Forgive God? I never thought of
that.” I said, “If anyone could have stopped those
things from happening, it was God.” She said, “I think
you’re right,” and she told God she forgave Him and
understood He actually had her best in mind.

I’ve come to believe that diet and nutrition alone
will have little benefit if a person is full of anger,
bitterness, fear, self-hatred, etc. 

Holistic health (Whole-istic) means resolving
imbalances on every level, so I utilize diet,
nutrition, CS, H2O2, Magnetic and electrical healing
devices, EFT, prayer, faith, always learning and
looking for what may help others.

Terry Chamberlin

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