Jack  Dayton wrote:

 <   Well I, for one, will / do rely on properly formulated
suppliments that are no longer present in our foods -
I do miss the benefits of the enzimes.
   There many reputable formulators out there, and also reputable retailers.
         There is a learning curve. >

     I agree , Jack and thank you

"  Classical homeopath does not include any other surrounding or possible 
alternative medicines like vitamins, minerals, herbs or whatever. ... And 
sometimes, a homeopathic remedy cannot cure a problem--for example, if your 
diet does not include a lot of salads or greens, you might have an vitamin A 
deficiency and complain of poor night vision....the only thing that will help 
that is to change your diet to include these foods, and/or take a vitamin A 
supplement. Homeopathy SOMETIMES can help you change your eating habits. But 
because the soils and veggies/fruits are depleted and no longer have the levels 
of vitamin they used to before 1960, we are getting depleted and need 
supplements, " Eileen Nauman, my Cherokee American friend,  well known 
internationally as a writer and Homeopath in complementary and alternative 
medicine, commented, in our Athena forum a few years ago.

Locally, in our Malaysian setting,

                "  Keep an open mind on traditional medicine, docs told. "
Kuala Lumpur:
                 Doctors have been urged to keep an open mind on the use of 
traditional and complementary medicine in keeping with global trends. Health
Minister Datuk Chua Jui Meng said the philosophy  and the policy of the World 
Health Organization  ( WHO) was to see greater intergration between traditional 
and complementary medicine and allopathic or western medicine.

                        " It is the policy of this ministry to promote 
traditional and complementary medicine which may or not be included in  health 
supplements.If we were to exclude that , it would not be healthy and not in 
line with development in the rest of the world - especially the developed 
countries, so we hope everyone will keep an open mind, " he told a press 
conference yesterday. Chua added that the ministry's director-general would 
meet doctors to discuss the issue. On Monday Malaysian Medical Association 
president Dr. N. Arumugam was quoted as saying that the association had banned 
doctors from selling health supplements. since last April. The Malaysian 
Dietary Supplements Association ( Madsa ), however, expressed surprise over the 
ban as it implied that supplements were detrimental to health. Madsa said 
supplements that had been on a typical doctor's prescription list included iron 
for anaemic patients, calcium for osteoporosis and folic acid for pregnant 
. Prestigious medical journals such as the Journal of the American Medical 
Association and New England Journal of Medicine had also supported the use of 
health supplements, it added.

                                                          The Star, page 8, 
Saturday 7, February 2004
                                                                     E-mail : 

                           "  We hope everyone will keep an open mind. "   

                       - Health minister Datuk Chua Jui Meng of Malaysia        

       I recall those difficult years when I had to improvise very simple ways 
to manage emergency cases while practising in remote areas in the state of 
Johore, Malaysia, when the nearest hospital was miles away. Droplet feeding a 
succussed preparation from the patient's vomitus in accidental poisoning was a 
desperate homeopathic procedure in jungle medicine but not in orthodox 
medicine.. There was no time for detailed history -taking. Slipping some 
crashed homeopathic granules of Antimony Tartarate 6x into a gasping cyanotic 
child's mouth, with respiratory problems before the frantic rush to the nearest 
hospital, was another emergency measure. Breathing into a perforated paper bag 
for better carbon dioxide retention was a life-saving measure to maintain 
bronchiolar dilatation in the hyperventilating child during the journey to the 
nearest medical institution without any oxygenation. Under such straitened 
circumstances, I witnessed the foreign-body extruding effect of potentis
ed Silica in healed injuries still harbouring the retained debris. The extruded 
objects [ tiny glass pieces and wooden splinters] were palpable over the skin. 
My patients from the jungle fringes in Kahang, Johore shared with me their 
folklore steeped in  traditional medicine.It could be that the memories of the 
sounds and voices [ Nature's silence ] of the rainforests where I spent  most 
of my childhood, that  had lured me to trudge the lonely Way searching  for 
holistic truths.
         What mainstream medicine considered as healed on the radiological 
evidence of calcification of the TB tubercles in the lung fields, seen as 
opacities is but an evasive and protective mechanism evolved by the Tubercular 
Bacilli to escape chemical destruction and immune surveillence. This protective 
phenomenon is observed in the nano-bacteria which produce a similar cellular 
calcium coating or a biofilm  which prevents the microbes from destruction by 
the immune cells or antibiotics. Nano-bacteria are immune to anti-microbials. 
The criterion of recovery from TB is bacteriological and not radiological. I 
rely more on the bacteriological staining from sampling of the saliva or a 
gastric aspiration. It has been observed that Cell Salts can cause 
morphological alterations in microbial colonies. Potentised quartz [ silica ] 
causes a flaring up of old calcified TB lesions in the lungs, in the process of 
extrusion. This phenomenon has been observed by astute holistic researcher
s. In Biological Transmutation, Prof Kervran [ University of Paris ] showed 
that the assimilated calcium is not utilised by the body as such but is 
converted to magnesium which is stored in the body.This calcium-transmutated 
Magnesium is reverted back to calcium to meet the body's demands as needed. In 
his classical experiment, Prof Kervran  demonstrated the Biological 
Transmutation of Quartz [silica] to Calcium present in the egg-shell with 
different chicken-feeds.The transmutated calcium is the biological calcium 
which has its specific vibratory signature. The dynamised silica unmasks the 
non-biological calcium coating of microbes by causing vibratory disresonance 
extracellularly and intracellularly,thus exposing the pathological microbes to 
the immune system of the body.. A flaring-up of the so-called healed calcified 
TB lesion is instituted by immune cells as a homeostatic response to rid the 
body of foreign matter. This is part of the rationale of flaring-up and 
of calcified TB lesions and other foreign bodies in the human body observed by 
earlier homeopaths and  holistic researchers.. As a matter of fact, potentised 
silica has antibiotic properties. I have resorted to homeopathized Silica which 
is one of the essential tissue salts of Schuessler, for management of 
chronically discharging infected lesions with a dosage of 2 drops of Silica 
200x on the tongue with a monthly review. These lesions heal with proper 
dietary advice and nutrient supplements. 
  The extruding pheneomenon of potentised silica serves as a reminder to
health practitioners of the probable serious complications of  implants in the
human body.

I have compiled some of the scraped notes on rural practice in holistic 
medicine  years ago on Nutritional Science. I have uploaded the pages to  the 
website :            http://lewfh.tripod.com/nutritionalscience/
 The pages have an old fashion typeface but I hope the messages in these faded 
pages are legible in the webpages. I promise I will retype the pages in the

                  Very few would trudge the lonely path the way I did. I had 
suffered  and ran the gamut which many of my pioneering teachers of holistic 
medicine and allied sciences had experienced. The reawakening was  rejuvenating 
 and the realization of my cherished dream that eventually the  medical 
establishment in Malaysia would resonate with Mother Nature is well worth all 
the illusory deprivations that  had beset me  and the shattering experience of  
 holistic reawakening.

Ulu Selangor
Email :   le...@lycos.com


--------- Original Message ---------

DATE: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 15:38:43
From: Jack Dayton <jack...@harbornet.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>

>Garnet   2/10/04 7:39 AM  Wrote:
>> Better to spend your money on organic and
>> natural food based sources.
>I guess you mean those grown in nutrient depleted soils,
>or maybe you prefer that the grower dump tons of
>chemicals in his fields in an attempt to replace what
>MANY years of mismanagement ruined.
> Well I, for one, will / do rely on properly formulated
>suppliments that are no longer present in our foods -
>I do miss the benefits of the enzimes.
>There many reputable formulators out there,
>and also reputable retailers.
>There is a learning curve.
>Be Nice
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
>To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
>Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
>List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>

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