Not wanting to discuss this topic into the ground
(although it IS relevant to good health), here is the
suggestion page I give to all my clients who take

Concentrace usage

"The first thing to understand about taking
Concentrace is that it is the most concentrated
mineral supplement being sold today. When you first
start taking Concentrace, your body may be amazed and
even stunned at the amount of minerals it is
receiving. It may have trouble assimilating it until
it gets used to it. Many folks start off taking half
what the label suggests, until their body can adjust
to it. One half teaspoon of Concentrace provides more
minerals than today’s modern diet provides in a week,
including minerals that are not found at all in
processed foods.

"If you take more than your body can assimilate, your
body will get rid of the excess through loose stools
or even diarrhea. If this happens, cut back or even
stop for a day, then resume with a lower amount. After
a day or two, you can usually increase your dose. Many
people, wanting to remineralize their bodies after
years of eating mineral-poor processed foods, will
gradually increase their intake until they reach the
loose stools level, then cut back slightly. I have
clients who take one teaspoon twice a day without any
reaction. (Although they worked up to it.)

"How to get around the flavor: Concentrace mixes in
well with soups and stews and other salty-tasting
foods. You can mix it in pizza, spaghetti and lasagna
sauce. I’m told it mixes well with tomato and V-8
juice. If mixed into apple juice into which you have
also stirred nutritional yeast, you cannot taste the
Concentrace. If you put 2 drops per 8 oz. of your
drinking water, you will barely taste it, and if you
are drinking the amount of water you should be
drinking, you will get a lot of minerals that way. Or
of course you can mix 10 drops into a glass of water
and gulp it down, it’s really not bad.

"The most common effect reported by those who
regularly take Concentrace is improved regularity.
This is not because Concentrace acts like a laxative,
but because your body uses the minerals to manufacture
digestive enzymes, resulting in improved digestion.
Other people report increased energy, clearer
complexion, shinier hair and a stronger immune system.
Combined with determining and taking the right type of
calcium needed by your body, Concentrace addresses the
most basic nutritional needs your body has."

Terry Chamberlin
Metabolic Solutions Institute
Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia B0S 1M0 Canada
902-584-3810 voice/message
413-826-7641 fax service

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